Friday, April 10, 2020

Lockdown#Life reclamation Project

Lockdown#Life reclamation Project


This sudden lock down seemed as if, rollercoster of the life was brought to an abrupt halt with many of us found ourselves hanging in mid air, clueless , as to what was happening.

I see this as a Project by God for welfare of mother earth and humanity. So, I coined the term   “ Life reclamation Project”. For once, the time seems to have ceased just like in motion pictures and we have this golden/ diamond opportunity to ponder upon from where we started our journey on this planet Earth and where are we heading! Is our steering wheel in the right direction? Are our efforts in coherence with well being of all beings on this blue planet?

With these thoughts, my mind drifts to another side of this lockdown# flip side. This time period will never come back in our lives (hopefully never) but the seeds it will sow now, will bear fruits in future. Out of many positive things which this will bring, I will mention few. 

With everyone in lockdown mode, life has slowed its pace, as if earth is rotating leisurely with ample of time left inspite of finishing our chores. The indoor board games – monopoly, cards, carom boards, Chinese checkers etc, badminton rackets, skipping ropes, balls are now in everyone,s life space especially children. After initial steep hike in screen viewing, the screen time has automatically declined. With eating out places being shut down including Zomato /Swiggy, the long lost chef gene in mothers (children too, in some cases fathers too) is raising its baby head and making presence felt. Meal times are more fun. Kitchen seems like an adventure theme park with different dishes coming out of pans instead of being stacked cookery books. Every nook and corner of your house is feeling wanted and cherished. This is one great time to dwell upon and bring out at least one hidden talent which was in hibernation. 

The XX genotype is working round the clock to make this lockdown a success. No prize for guessing who,s the boss of this blue planet ? This time, also defies the common saying –“Man is a social animal.” Everyone is content within one,s own family, living in harmony with thy neighbour. 

Peace is prevailing all over, or is it Silence before the storm?

With this thought, I will sign off to catch you soon.

Till then, stay safe, stay indoors



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