Friday, April 1, 2022

I choose to smile!# My pledge

I choose to smile! Smile # My pledge

Interaction with Brahma Kumari sisters is always like opening up of floodgates. There is an unexplored ocean of knowledge and depth in each word which helps in refining and redefining the purpose of one’s life.

Dadi Janki on one of her visit to Europe made a pledge to smile on seeing grief and misery all around her. She made an affirmation that at least from her side, she would not add any burden to the already existing burden in the souls who came in contact with her. This was her way of keeping her karmic account in a positive balance. Initially, many foreigners got offended, thinking Dadi was mocking at them. Gradually, they learnt about her pledge and the reason for her smile. This generated great amount of respect for her.

I was impressed by this beautiful thought. Little efforts lead to great transformations. If each one of us takes individual responsibility, soon Earth will become heaven. Each one needs to shift focus from outer world towards one’s own inner world. If we attempt to make even one change in our behaviour or daily routine, it will act like a stepping stone towards a happier world.

Inspired by this anecdote, I have made a pledge. I will always wear my smile. Even if, I am unable to alleviate someone’s suffering, I will make all conscious efforts, not add to it. Each one, aspire to inspire one. This kind of chain reaction will help in resetting the world.

Hope you are wearing your smile, as you leave your comments.



Wednesday, March 30, 2022

22 Quad (22#22#22#22)

There are moments in everyone’s life when one wishes to grow up once again or beat the age by one or two decades. As one completes more than four decades around the sun, the vehicle in which one is moving (refer to one’s own body) carefree, starts demanding one’s time and care. Many of us transcend in this phase effortlessly smoothly, while for some it is a bumpy transition. The one factor which helps immensely, is being conscious at cellular level.
Four of my dear friends lost their parent within a short span of four months. The keen desire to be with them in their difficult times could not be fulfilled due to pandemic.  Three weeks ago, one of my friends called up to share her upcoming visit to her hometown. I casually asked her,  “Buddy, what do you want?” Prompt came her reply “You!”I completed our conversation with “Done.” I could hear surprise in her voice,“ Oh really!”
The very next day she called to confirm her travel dates. She expressed her wish, “It’s been 22 years since we have seen each other, I wish we could recreate those times even if for few hours, chit chat over tea, going for shopping and fine dining.” I felt like a genie as I replied, “Your wish is my command, my dear friend.” And from here upon, all the energy was diverted towards this whole universe to make this happen.
The week flew, she arrived. After spending initial few days with her mother, comforting her and herself, we finalized the date of our magic day. I got my train and flight ticket bookings without any ripples. It seemed so, as if the Universe had conspired and aligned itself to make our magic day happen. We were supposed to meet at another friend’s home. After traveling night and day in all possible modes of transport except water, we finally met. That moment was like Magic. It seemed as if I just opened my hostel room door and my friend stepped in just like TMH days. After routine exchange of greetings, we prepared tea and sat down on a comfortable couch. How time flew, is a million dollar question. As sun started to head westwards, we shook ourselves to present. Had a hearty laugh and went for shopping. It seemed as if we were still living as room mates just like residency days. Our silence was also communicating. We headed for fine dining and had a gala time. Mandatory photo shoot was done in between. Finally, when the yawns started creeping in and one of our friend’s legs started aching, we realized the moon was planning to give way to sun. 
We hugged each other and felt as if we had lived a lifetime in these 22 hours. Our hearts were brimming with happiness and love. As we were about to head in different directions, my friend exclaimed, “Hey, we are meeting after 22 years, 22 days in the year 2022 for 22 hours.” The other one promptly added, “Now, she (I) will dedicate a write up to our wonderful meet of Quad 22.”
Laughing we headed on different paths, back to from where we had come. On my journey back home, I felt at least 10 years younger, more happy, contended and rejuvenated. I felt as if I was a new version of my old self or a old version of my new self? Confusing, isn’t it! Well that’s the hangover of this 22 hours intoxication.
My friends know me really well. I dedicate this write up to my TMH buddies –ASVA (they will figure out for themselves). Life is meant to be shared and cherished. Moments spent with friends act like double booster shots. Hope all of you take your shots regularly.

I have wasted my Degree! -Insight by my elder monk

I have wasted my Degree! -Insight by my elder monk


While going through my residency day certificates, I looked up and sighed! The goals I had set when I had started walking on this path and the destination I had arrived, there seemed to be ambiguity. It seemed as if God had made some mistake? Can it actually happen? The answer was obvious in my brain and heart “No”. God does what is best for us and we should gracefully accept his decision. Something good must be in store for us, which might not be apparent initially, but in the long run, it’s always for our own betterment. Growing up with this philosophy of gratitude and faith, I slowly kept my certificate file back at its place.

Suddenly, I felt a tug in my heart and my feet seemed to weigh a lot. My body poise changed from a happy state to state of remorse. Out came a statement, “I have wasted my degree!” Out of nowhere, I heard a voice, “What are you saying mummy?” My trance was broken and these words brought me back into reality. I could see my elder monk looking at me with a firm expression. “Mom, what makes you think on these lines? You have a wonderful, fun filled, complete happy life. You attend to your profession even when you are not well and never take any offs. I have always seen you in your dress and sneakers in an ever ready mode. Then how comes you have wasted your degree? A degree is wasted if the person concerned doesn’t work as required and decides to be a homemaker. In such a scenario, one can think of degree being wasted. It’s a different story if you are working less as per your expectation.”

Each and every word seemed to hit at the right place. A feeling of gratitude and love swept over and my emotional state changed to a state of excitation and happiness. The void which my Momsie left was at times filled by my monks. Their depth of understanding and maturity always left me speechless.

My elder monk continued, “Mom you have had an amazing, inspiring journey. We have seen you going to work every single day, many a times late due some unavoidable reasons too, but you attend to your profession. You have spent your valuable time and energy in raising us and we have thoroughly enjoyed each and every moment spent together. You have wisely invested your time and energy in your children and family too, while tending to your professional duties too. You are an inspiration to many of us.”

My heart swelled with mixed emotions and my lids could barely hold back ocean of tears as I hugged her. That moment felt like a life lived for infinite years. With a naughty wink, she smiled and remarked, ‘Now, get going to your work on your favorite vehicle, your cycle, your pride.”

An unseen burden seemed to have lifted off my chest. I felt energetic and the sprint in my walk was back. These are the times, when I feel God makes contact with us through a medium. This time, the medium was my elder monk.

Try to be in a conscious open state of mind so as to identify all your mediums through which God is trying to reach you.




Giant birds in Blue skies

My Airbus soared up in the blue skies leaving clouds far below. At 41010 feet above ground level, I felt I was in God's land . A safe an...