Thursday, September 8, 2022

Marks minting machine # NEET Warriors Part 2

Marks minting machine # NEET Warriors Part 2

Disclaimer: This write-up reflects author’s experiences regarding human psychology. Not intended to hurt anyone’s sentiments. Reader’s discretion is respected.

Last few years have witnessed an unprecedented rise in the marks scored in the NEET exam (National Eligibility Entrance Test). With students targeting for full marks, there is a cut throat competition.  Important teenage years (15-18 years of adolescence) get lost in this rat race. Students have become machines being designed to mint marks. There is decline in emotional quotient, pyschology quotient and social quotient. Blinded in their aim, these souls of future have forgotten to enjoy the journey.

Every year, there is increase in number of applicants by a lakh or more. Only few thousands or less than 5% will get the medical seat. There are two different aspects to this. One is qualifying the exam and other is getting a seat in a medical college of one’s own choice. Like my Popsie says, ‘One has to look in totality. One may or may not get what one aspires, but will definitely get what “HE” -almighty decides. “So, the best approach is to have faith in the judgement of God. Geeta also says, “ Do your work and don’t wish for the rewards.” I know easier said than done. But with continuous practice, one can move an inch closer to one’s goal.

Ever since the results have been announced, I have witnessed a spectrum of emotional states. On one hand, there are many homes which have not smiled since then, on other hand there are a handful who are in joyous state. Normally, the middle path is the best path. But in this case, the students in the middle are left confused. It’s like, “Yeh, dil mange more!” They are repenting for ticking few right choices as wrong or not leaving enough un-attempted questions. To each one their own story. This result is just a entry ticket into the medical world. The real journey has just begun.

Now, is the time to pause, rethink, before it’s too late. Medicine is a noble profession and one needs lot of compassion, patience and humbleness. In the most important years of transformation, we are pushing our gen next into this maddening race of marks. Is it really worth it? Are we creating poster candidates for our own social status?

Our warrior already knows where they have faltered and what were their strong and weak points. Is it really that important to highlight or make it obvious? At times, best approach is a non- interfering approach and let the child come out of it on their own. (Please bear in mind the emotional status of your child.)

Concluding with a humble appeal: Please celebrate and cherish your NEET warrior right now. Time will fly, the wounds will heal, what will remain with children is the memory of the behavior of their parents and teachers in this important, life transforming/ altering moments of their lives.  

Let’s help each other in creating loving memories and reminding ourselves- This moment (happy or sad) will fly away soon. Be your own pilot. 

Congratulations to each and every soul reading this and sharing this.



Sunday, September 4, 2022

Social media puppet!

Social media puppet!

P.S. The title is to catch attention. Read up to find out more.


I was scrolling through my mobile and the above heading caught my attention. Three signs, you are in a toxic relationship! I decided to open the link to read about it. The short reel/ video mentions 3 warning signals to identify whether one is in a toxic relationship. After watching this, I was engulfed with a peculiar feeling as my score was 3/3. This set me in a thinking mode and stat my cap was on my head beaming with pride.

Numerous thoughts started churning inside my brain. How can 3 signs define whether you are in a toxic relationship? There were many such reels/ videos like 3 signs your spouse is cheating on you, 3 signs your spouse loves you and so on. I felt all these were bombarding negativity. This is like quick sand. One (wrong) click on a particular eye catchy title link leads to similar posts and within a span of few seconds the Pandora's box opens up.

Sharing the 3 signs mentioned were - First, your spouse always sounds busy whenever you call. Second, your spouse is spending less time than before and thirdly, when it comes to you, your spouse always has a financial crunch whereas they spend on themselves. I feel many of us will score 3/3. In forties, everyone deals with similar challenges besides making a livelihood. On one hand, there are parents, on other hand there are growing up children, who need constant attention and care. Anyone can experience these signs. One needs to be strong minded while reading such topics. I also feel, such type of write ups appeal more only when one is going through a lean phase in a relationship. Remember, in this game of life,  one needs to stay afloat in relationships.

In a matter of few minutes I felt being pulled into a negativity well with mighty force as my heart and soul started validating all these three signs. Suddenly, I felt an abrupt halt and yet again I felt being pulled by an unseen force, but this time in reverse, upward direction. The sky was clear and so were my thoughts and mind. I learnt yet another important lesson in a matter of few minutes. To be very cautious and careful of what one reads and to keep one’s brain in control of one’s heart/mind.

I remember my all-time favorite lines from Bhagwad Geeta, 

“Your heart is like a horse and it’s reins must be in hands of the charioteer /brain.” Whenever, there is role reversal, calamity is inevitable. Here I endorse Mahatma Gandhi’s three monkeys, “Bura matt dekho, bura matt suno, bura matt bolo.”

I hope and pray, all of us keep the reins of our heart firm and tight with our three monkeys well behaved.

Watch out for what you read, see and hear.

Keep reading, keep sharing.


Giant birds in Blue skies

My Airbus soared up in the blue skies leaving clouds far below. At 41010 feet above ground level, I felt I was in God's land . A safe an...