Sunday, June 25, 2023

Are you Ambitious enough?

Are you Ambitious enough?

A casual conversation with evolved souls helps me a lot as an author. It’s of utmost importance to be aware of your circle.  A routine well being call diverted when the person on other end of call commented, “Hey! I am very much contented with my work, lifestyle and myself. I feel I have enough. At times, I feel I am not ambitious like my colleagues who are working endlessly and living in big houses and having a fleet of cars!”  

I waited for the person to complete and listened attentively. “Why do you think so?” I interjected . The reply came, “Everyone talks success in terms of financial temperature and the material assets they possess. At times, I do feel I can devote more time to my profession and earn more. But then, I want to spend time with my children and family too. I want to play games with them, watch movies together, cook for them. This is my second best time apart from my professional time. I do not want to compromise on this too.”

There was a deep sigh as if to absorb what was said and create new threads for conversation to continue. To me, it seemed more like a conversation between one’s own mind and heart rather than a two way communication. And I waited for the concluding remarks. After a small pause, the words which came out were, “Is it so that I am justifying myself for not being ambitious? Or is it so that I am not ambitious at all and am going on an easy way? There are times when I feel so. What is your take on this? Hello! Are you there?”

Immediately, I responded, “Yes, very much, all ears. Are you talking this to yourself or seeking validation from me or just discussing? Should I speak my thoughts?” I could hear a silent nod and Hmm.

“What is ambition? By Oxford Dictionary, it means ‘a strong desire to do or achieve something.” So, dear friend, every person has a different ambition. Your ambition is to balance your professional and personal life as it seems so. And you are doing great in both spheres. It comes down to same age old mantra of living – To each his own, your life, your choices, and your ambition. An ambition can be to own a house, to earn degrees, or to be like someone, to keep a good house, so on. One just can’t compare.”

Before I could complete, my friend interrupted, “Yes, you are right! It was my ambition to maintain a balance between my professional and personal life. I am ambitious as I strive to attain this balance every moment. From where does all this wisdom come from? What’s your source buddy?’

My answered was obvious, “My Momsie Popsie- A satisfied life is better than a successful life. As success is measured by others and satisfaction is measured by our own soul. So, cheers you are a satisfied, ambitious person. Bye! Have a great day.”

“Hey! Wait a moment, what’s your take on – Does success brings in happiness?” my friend spoke in an impatient tone.  ‘Dear, this we keep for next time, ‘I replied.

Time to ponder, what’s your ambition? Financial accumulation is not the only one.

Do pause, breathe and think!

To be continued …….




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