Saturday, July 24, 2021



I am sitting at my workplace. A known friend comes and reaches out for my hand. She holds it. I am taken aback by this. Sensing my discomfort, she blurts ‘” I have come to take positive energy from you!” “Are you a PES?” I retorted. She gave me a blank look.  I explained to her, “PES implies positive energy seekers or sucker, either way. Which category do you belong?” She smiled and said, “Obviously, seeker.”

Our conversation over cup of tea transcended from trivial things to life altering experiences. After forty five minutes, she stood up seemingly charged and confident. Heading towards the door, she looked back and smiled, “I am in love with this word –PES, important is to be seeker. “ Swaying her ponytail she walked, there was a spurt in her stride. I felt charged and filled with positive energy too.

In my day to day life, I am wary of suckers and inadvertently invite seekers. There is a hairline difference between the two. It is of utmost importance to recognize this difference. Watch out for vibes and energy around you. In case of suckers, one feels uncomfortable and suffocated whereas in seekers, the air is light and fresh. Two alphabets “uc” make all the difference from “ee”.

It all depends upon one’s frame of mind. A happy, peaceful mind attracts seekers and a sad, restless mind attracts suckers. Important is “uc : you see” the suckers, almost always. Avoid them at any cost. If at all, the circumstances are unavoidable, keep the meeting as brief as possible. Have a circle of seekers and you will always feel your battery is charged up. Don’t let your battery drain.

(With inputs from my Popsie & Dr. Merchant , my mentor) - With a seeker the flow of positive energy should be both ways so that you are not drained,  whereas with a sucker the flow is one way only. 

Next time, do ask yourself whom you are dealing with! Learn to differentiate PES (seeker) from PES (sucker). Charge your mind’s battery every single day.

Happy charging



T&C apply

T&C apply

In all important documents, all of us must have noticed that terms and conditions are mentioned in very small size, barely visible to naked eye. There is a reason behind this strategy. What is appearing large and obvious is relevant, but the small alphabets at the bottom form the crux. So often, one tends to ignore the small written content and reads what the seller wants us to read.  The seller knows the mind of the buyer way too much than the buyer himself.This is one of the most time tested technique for allurement.

T & C is applicable to every aspect of our lives. In every work sphere, every relationship there exist terms and conditions. Mother nature, functions in an immaculate way by its own laws. Any species, who challenges the laws, tends to face the wrath. There are innumerable incidences which one can read and must have witnessed too in their lives.

To harness the wild energy of man, certain terms and conditions were laid down by learned sect of the society. From childhood, these are slowly incorporated. In the house, everybody has a assigned role, which works towards the common goal of peace, security, happiness and progress of family. School works on different terms with regular attendance, assignments submission, examination etc. As one grows, accordingly the terms and conditions change. 

Work culture and marriage has its own set of terms and conditions.  The larger script deals with all the positive, motivating values like hard work, health, happiness, joy, serenity, etc .The smaller script mentions all the negativity like failure, disease, sadness, stress etc. If one focuses on the smaller script, one tends to feel skeptical and afraid of life. However, if the larger script is read out loud and with full convinction, one tends to live life more meaningfully. Here the seller is God and he is selling a beautiful life with certain terms and conditions to preserve mother earth. 

Do read up terms and conditions but keep focus on the larger script. It’s time to introspect the t & c in one’s own life.

(Word of caution: the terms and conditions of reading this write up, is to share this in maximum groups).

The truth is, I  love all my readers without any terms and conditions.



Friday, July 23, 2021

Through a child's lens ! Born to rebel!

Through a child's lens!

P.S. This write up is written in a light vein to add humor to real life anecdotes as perceived by me as a child. If one is true to oneself, you will echo the same feelings. 

Who is a rebel? There are various ways to define this depending upon the sphere of activity. I define myself as a born rebel, giving my Momsie a real hard time. I challenged her ways of expression of showing mother's love by pouring extra ghee in meals or filling (almost overflowing) cup of milk, adding grated bottle gourd in yogurt, chopping vegetables so fine and tiny, that they cannot be picked separately by spoon or fork. And one ends up eating them. This conduct seems like a heinous crime to a small child.  In spite of asking what to cook for lunch, my mother prepares some entirely different meal, also accounts to breach of trust. To a child (here I refer to myself) mother seems no different than a Jai Chand, many a times.  

As my journey around the sun increased, so did the rebel in me started raising  it's fang. At times I feel, I was instrumental in premature wisdom highlights in my mother. It must have been a very difficult for my creator to handle such a child who challenged her nearly every belief. I remember distinctly, I was very vocal about a board outside Dilwara temple, Mount Abu, Rajasthan ,India. It clearly mentioned, "Women, who were having periods were prohibited from entering the temple." Believe me! my Momsie could not make me understand the logic behind this statement. 

As a child, I have locked myself in the washroom on some miniscule thing. Then, cried my heart out, when I could not open the latch. My Momsie had to make our house help (luckily he was of small frame) squeeze through the bathroom window to help me get out. I didn't get any scolding (though I know now, I deserved to be spanked). Rather my mom was concerned about her child's well being. 

Once, my mother cut off few labels off my favorite frock while I was attending school. She must have never imagined, this action by her scissors would yield an unpleasant noon and evening. When I returned from school, I felt hurt and betrayed. I slipped under the double bed and wailed my heart out. Out of all the dresses, why did she chose my favorite dress to be sacrificed. I cried for nearly two hours. I vividly remember, my mother bent down on her knees and trying to spread her arm under the bed to reach for me. I kept moving away from her. My elder brother and sisters got irritated to the core by my monotonous, sharp wail. They kept telling my mom to leave me alone. But my mom said, "She's hungry, how can I leave her?"

Exchanging school tiffin with my Malayali friend was a routine. Parantha/ poori / pickle were exchanged for idli chutney. Then I  learnt “Barter system”. My mom would pack extra paranth/ poori's as she believed idli were not fulfilling.

Although a rebel at heart, I could always feel her unconditional love and support all the time. One incident which is very vivid in my memory is of a train journey to my maternal grand -parents. I was given the impression that Popsie was accompanying us (I am very close to him). My siblings knew that Popsie had come to just drop us at the station. When the train started, my heart beat skipped, my dad was on the platform. I thought he had missed the train. I screamed for help, requested mom to pull the chain, but to no avail. She kept telling me, that Dad had boarded the next coach. At every station, I waited to catch a glimpse of him. I cried for full six hours, throughout the duration of journey. On reaching our destination, I felt betrayed and back stabbed. I made a pledge with myself, never to believe my mother and siblings. Suddenly they seemed alien. How could they do this to a seven year old child? I wept myself to sleep that ill fated night. 

To make things more difficult, my siblings tried their level best to make me feel like an adopted child. The story they always told me, goes like this. All of them had gone to a pilgrimage place. My parents spotted a very fair, cute child in arms of a beggar seeking alms. On threatening the beggar with dire consequences, the beggar gave the child.  The child was adorable and my parents didn’t feel like leaving the child. This way, I made an entry into my family. Can you believe it? My mother literally had to show the hospital records where I was born. There are so many other tormenting incidents (Really ? no way) which are now a part of my treasured memories.  

Fast-forward many years, these incidents became cherished memories which we would joke about. Often my mother recalls, “Raju! what a tough time you gave to all of us. Only if God blessed you with a child like yourself, then only you would realise that parenting is an art!"

Through a child's lens, all these incidents were life altering as it had elements of breach of trust and dishonesty (Ha ! Ha!). Looking back I feel, I deserved a little more strict upbringing. My parents and family’s unconditional love and support helped me in shaping up the way I am. I pray to God, when my children are in their forties and they look back, they say," Mom dad, you have done a wonderful job. You are awesome."

Like I want to convey to my Momsie- Popsie, “You are wonderful parents and have taught us ways of life, both in our personal and professional front. Pray that we can become like you or somewhere near ”.

Keep reading # keep sharing # Keep inspiring# keep shining.



Giant birds in Blue skies

My Airbus soared up in the blue skies leaving clouds far below. At 41010 feet above ground level, I felt I was in God's land . A safe an...