Thursday, September 26, 2019

My little monk -Part 2

Thursday 26 September 2019 11:28pm                                                                       
Dear Diary

Life is very simple for those who enjoy and turbulent for those who analyze. Many a times, we learn the real meaning of our mortal form from little munchkins in our lives.
I believe that every word which comes from a child,s mouth ( till a certain age) is word of God. Please listen to your child .
Reality is that, a child teaches us more than we think we are teaching a child .
Sharing few eye openers.

Lesson 1

Routine weekday, early morning, birds are chirping, sun is playing hide and seek with few orange rays filling the sky forcing moon to take leave and rest for few hours.

Child: " Maa!, from now on, when I come from school , I want you to receive me."

Mother: Oh dear!, you very well know that your mom is a professional and can,t come when your school gets over."

Child : " I just want to see my mother when I reach home from school. If you are a professional, that,s your problem. I want a mother only. That,s it. You decide how you are going to manage it ."

Mother ( feeling perplexed on this comment ) realizes as a child she ( mother) had her own mother at home to take care of her when school got over. Is this little demand too much ? Suddenly, turmoils of feelings swirl inside her heart and brain. Her child is asking what is his /her birth right. There is no demand of any materialistic thing, only time and attention from mother. The storm passes over and
the mother surfaces and makes an arrangement so that either she is at home or her child comes to her workplace directly.

Lesson 2

Mother : " Child, exams are round the corner. The way you are studying, I have a feeling that you will score the highest ."

Child ( who is engrossed reading his favourite book, looks up ) :" Maa! I don't study to come first in my class/section. I study to gain knowledge ,besides, I enjoy reading."

Mother: " What,s the harm in coming first in class ?"

Child: " Maa! you don,t practice what you preach me. You always encourage me to enjoy whatever one does. If we read under pressure , the enjoyment and learning disappears to a larger extent ,what remains is the pressure to score."
The child elaborates further.
Securing first position is not a difficult task. What is more important is to maintain that position. I don't mind second place. I enjoy studying.Hence, I don't want to enter this number game race. Now, if you please excuse me, I need to finish my book ."

Mother closes the door behind her. She feels blessed to have learnt yet another important lesson of life which one should imbibe in their lives.

She pledges to walk her talk and talk her walk.

Love ,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Memories cherished #memories created

Dear Diary,

This write up is a casual one about memories. All of us have cherished memories of our childhood, school days, friends, family and neighbourhood. I feel many of us are trapped within the first fifteen / sixteen years of our life (formative years) and tend to see our whole life through this lens. Some may have a different viewing lens.

To a child,s eye, this world appears to be magnanimous with an attached magical aura . As we walk in this journey of life, our visions grow and memories become small and some even fade away.

Recreating same old memories ! always intrigued me. I experimented on few of my favourite cherished memories which are embedded deep in my heart. The outcome was disheartening.

As a child, my school used to appear like a huge fort in the heart of city. What once looked like a huge building complex with big ground, now looked like a small green grey patch in the middle of a concrete jungle ( Thanks to development in name of road elevations, flyovers etc).

My post graduate institution (my pacemaker), where once I worked and moved around like a queen, acknowledged by all the professores and colleagues including employee of every class. Now, I felt like a stranger. Almost everything ( buildings, departments) had got a facelift, old staff had retired (obviously), etc

Reconnecting with old friends also evoked mixed response. With few, we gelled immediately almost like yesteryears while with many others, there was no connection .

Tourist places ( where we visited in my childhood) also had a different aura and flavour when visited again with my own family.

This taught me an important lesson of life. Just as flowing water never passes through the same path, similarly, life should be an onward progressive journey. There is ONLY ONE TAKE in this GAME OF LIFE. That is the best take.

Life is all about creating new memories ! Make sure you create awesome ones.

Memories cherished # new memories created.

My little monk-Part 2 is next on bucket list.

Till we meet again.


Sunday, September 22, 2019

My little monk- Part 1

Dear Diary,

Its been a while since I shared few of the practical lessons which our children teach us. We are so much immersed in our own world that we tend to forget , that all this while our children are teaching us : contrary to our belief!
Amazing! yet few of us might disagree. I am sharing few real life incidences, which opened my eyes and made me see this life in an entire different new light. I bet you will change your looking glasses too, once you become aware of the unaware.
Scenario 1 :
A routine sunday morning. I am getting ready to attend a seminar on "Know your child " -KYC.
Little Monk : " Mummy where are you going ?"
Me : "Dear, I told you last night that I will attend a seminar on KYC."
Little Monk ( scratching his head ):" If you want to know your child, then you should talk to your child and not attend some seminar on KYC."
Me : ( I feel suddenly shaken) " Oh God !, please forgive me , my child has just taught me a very important lesson ."
However, I go ahead with my plan to attend the seminar on KYC ( as I had committed).
Deep inside, now I have a greater depth of understanding of KYC.
I am reminded of my FPG golden words " Always listen to your child - both spoken and unspoken words."

Scenario 2
Mid term exam time, evening time. Little monk is watching TV.
Parents come and react spontaneously , " You have to take an exam tomorrow and you are watching TV. Switch it off immediately and go to your room to study."
Period !Intense silence !.
TV is switched off and little monk walks towards his room.
Later he speaks up, " Mom dad, I have revised my syllabus twice and was watching my favourite show in my break time. Is there anything wrong in this ? Please appreciate my time management skills."

Parents rationalize ," How can you watch TV during such time ?"
Little monk : " Adults confuse me . On one hand you teach me to be happy and peaceful and not to take stress , on the other hand you are unnecessarily building up stress rather creating it ."

I put on my thinking cap : " He is right , we should appreciate his time management skills and encourage him ."
Silently, I make a promise with myself. I feel my FPG nodding and smiling.

I learnt important lessons .
To be continued...……...



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