Friday, May 29, 2020

Only one take # No Re-take

Only one take # No Re-take

Sounds familiar! In this movie of life, there is only one take and that is full and final. There are no re-takes to amend or modify our actions and deed. Seems amazingly complex!

Life is akin to chess where one should take a thoughtful step ahead as every step counts, it can either save you or put you in trouble. The bishops, rooks, knights and pawns represent our thought processes both good and evil. Pawns are like virtues which move simply ahead in honor of their king and queen. Bishops, rooks and knights are bestowed with superior qualities and act like vices. The opponent in this game of life is “Life itself.” The goal is to move ahead thoughtfully, cautiously without endangering ourselves.   The famous Gabbar Singh,s dialogue from Hindi super hit movie Sholay,“ Jo darr gaya, who marr gaya”, reinforces the fact that life is always a mental game. Opportunities are many but there is only one take

For every problem there is a solution and every solution gives birth to another problem. Ever since Eve ate the sinned apple, human beings are caught up this vicious cycle. To break this cycle, one needs immense faith and trust in the supreme power. All of us have sensed its magical presence in our lives. Whenever one door closes, another opens up! But we fix our gaze towards the closed door that we lose sight of the open door. Life is ticking by every moment and we are one step closer to our destination (Hope everyone got it!).

Let,s make a pact with ourselves, that we will take each step wisely and cautiously with virtues weighing over our vices so that when we look back we can say with pride, “ Oh wow! What a lovely movie#made with only one take.” Your movie is an inspiration to many. Be inspiring, be loving, be wise. 




Sunday, May 24, 2020

Grief is mine # Let the whole world shine

Grief is mine # Let the whole world shine

Disclaimer: In this write up, grief means loss of parents or someone real close.

Life is what happens to us, at this very moment. The moment is “NOW.” It,s happening every living moment. Are we in a state of awareness? If not, then it,s time to awake, arise and shine . Embrace life# Life is waiting for you! What are you waiting for??There is one moment of realization which hits everybody and causes them to wake up from their slumber. The point to ponder is – do you want to wait for that jolt or are you willing to do it by yourself! Choice is always yours. One of my favorite tagline is “To live life in a fully conscious state is like being in an intoxicant state, which is supreme, divine.”

I read a story in Hindi subject, class 9, NCERT. The title is “Dukh ka adhikaar - Right to grief.” After reading this, my mind was flooded with many questions as to how the financial barrier in our society has laid down rights in times of grief too! The deeper, I go, the picture becomes clearer. It dawned upon me that the poor socio-economic strata people are more aligned with themselves, live in the moment and acceptance comes quickly. As they have a “tomorrow” which beckons them to work again, as they need to feed themselves and family. The moment of grief is momentary and passes off by ( or so it seems).

Whereas, the so called privileged class gets frozen in time of grief so much so that time clock knocks them out. They become disoriented, losing the war to grief easily and spend days in delaying the acceptance of grief. Underneath there is clarity that the vacuum is there which will never be filled. Much time goes in trying to find a "New normal." This comes from my own personal experience too.

People are more connected and authentic in lower socio-economic strata, whereas, in so called upper class, there is smell of artificiality ( T& c apply !).  Somehow, so called well wishers will try their best that one tends to remain in negativity well and push you back when you try to come out. 

Are the poor (so called) already on path of supreme nirvana as they live in the moment?  Are we any closer to that path?

I will conclude with this noble thought which I remind myself , ”Grief is mine # let the whole world shine.”  



Giant birds in Blue skies

My Airbus soared up in the blue skies leaving clouds far below. At 41010 feet above ground level, I felt I was in God's land . A safe an...