Sunday, February 12, 2023

No one to call/share! Do you feel so?

No one to call/share! Do you feel so?

There are times when one feels lonely and there is no one to open one’s heart to talk. Each one of us must have been in this boat at one point or another. When the heart is full and yeans for an outlet, the road ahead seems dark and lonely. The air feels alien and the mind does a mental contact check with speed of light. Somehow that one contact doesn’t get shortlisted.

During such times, in my experience, the best strategy is to either write down what one wants to talk about or else sit in meditative posture and initiate talk with almighty. God is our supreme parent. Though, we come in this world through our biological parents. This is the ultimate truth. Sitting in silence helps as silence requires immense power.

Prior to this practice, I used to search for the right person for days with no positive outcome. Most of the time, we know the answers. We yearn to be listened to in an unconditional manner. After my Momsie crossed into another realm, I felt lost in this huge world. There were humans everywhere but not a single soul to connect. My search led me inside, towards the age old wisdom - Seek solace in almighty and befriend him.

I always remember my Popsie’s golden words, “I am never alone. It’s always God and me, the two of us.” Initially, I (rather all of us) used to think, he is faking it to avoid further discussion about being alone after my Momsie. Gradually, it dawned he meant it. One can be alone and not lonely. There is a huge difference between the two.

I have started practicing this theory and believe, “God is only a thought away. Parents are a call away. ” Decide for yourself who is closer? All that we seek outside is already within us. It’s time to steer one’s wheel, from outside to inside.

Happy steering, happy living, unburden your soul for life doesn’t take us seriously.




Giant birds in Blue skies

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