Saturday, May 9, 2020

Road map# Map of life

Road map# Map of life

A routine call to my Popsie always results in new meaning of life and leaves me enriched and energized. A routine well being call was channelized towards challenges of life. The relevance of one,s past experiences and their validity in present situation.

The way our grandparents, parents were raised, the way my generation was raised and the way generation next are being raised seem like a whole new world. The methodology, the environment, the access to technology has evolved at a mind blowing speed. So, as parents how correct is it to repeat our own experiences again and again and expect our children to follow the path which we chose. Are we happy and contented with our lives? If yes, then children will automatically grow as strong individuals

It,s high time all of us understand that our children are individuals. Please do not try to force  them into some preset molds. Let them evolve at their own pace and time, let them spread their wings, explore different spheres and settle at their own will. As a parent, beyond a certain age, one needs to be a friend more than a parent. Nobody like a bossy person around! Do we ?? Children are no different.

Looking at life from a distance gives a whole new meaning. Life is like a road map where origin and final destination are fixed. As a child, it seems like a simple two-four-eight lane road, just moving ahead, learning new things, acquiring new skills and learning to become self sufficient and self reliant. Once you zoom past the teenage years, one finds at cross road junction, so many roads ahead. Please bear in mind, there is no U-turn at this point. In fact, in road map of life there is no U-turn. Once you steer your wheel on a particular road, you find more avenues and lanes. It seems like a perfect network and resembles network of our nervous system. Fine, intricate nerves represents small kuccha roads, whereas the larger nerves represent four/eight -lane road. There are left turn, right turn, round-about. We keep on moving ahead on these roads for few decades. Towards the fag end of life, road seems to be merging with the sky. The traffic lights, road sensors, highway lights keep us motivated and speed -brakers are pausing moments where one can reflect on our journey.

Just imagine the veins on a leaf or pattern of roots of a tree. Everything follows an orderly pattern. When the sun sets, it helps the moon to shine. And at dawn time, moon recedes and lets the sun take over the charge. In nature, everything is well synchronized as they follow nature,s law. Mankind has harbored few vile like greed, ego and anger which are like invisible hand cuffs. The more conscious one becomes of nature around, one can learn effortlessly. “Mother nature” is the apt term as like a mother it nurtures us and takes care of us. We should be a gratitude mode and use resources intelligently.

It is of utmost importance to choose your calls wisely too. Instead of discussing topics like ,when will corona virus go? When the vaccine will be available? or keeping a track record of positive and negative covid case etc. Lets fill ourselves with positive energy so that whatever over flows with be positive.

Remember ! two negatives, make a positive. As we sync our mobiles with other gadgets , lets pledge to sync ourselves with mother nature and soon a better, healthier, cleaner, happier world will re- emerge.  It,s going to be dawn of  mankind like never before

Love and care,


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Momsie Pospie,s words world:

Momsie Pospie,s words world:

Going through my bookshelf at my workplace, I stumbled upon my personal diary which holds few initial chapters of my novel. Towards the end, I had penned few pearls rather the essence of my parent,s teachings which I learnt in last four decades. In every house, there are certain principles and theories about life, few common terminologies. I will mention few of my all time favorites.

1)    Boarded/Landed: Whenever someone boards a flight/ train, one is supposed to text our Popsie boarded and on reaching their destination as landed.

2)    Agree to Disagree: In family or personal discussions, most of times we lay our cards and mutually agree on our disagreements. Hence, less arguments, more understanding.

3)    Listen to your child: My parents strictly endorse this. Emphasis is on listening to one,s child, make oneself available and provide an environment where the child can express freely without being judged.

4)  Be a good listener: Don’t be in a hurry to show off what you know. Always listen to what the other person has to say. The whole concept is to learn from other person.

5)    Jitna nahaye: utna punya paaye. This was generally used in relation to our flying visits.

6)    Everything is on my way: If one really want to do something whole-heartedly, one will find a way. Else, there is no shortage of lame excuses. 

7)    An effective communication can resolve /dissolve any misunderstandings.

8)    It is not important what you speak, important is how you speak and how the other person recieves. Your body language and your tone is the key. It is important to reach to the other person and keep him/her in same wavelength.

9)    Live in the moment.

10) In relationships, if you want it to work, you will always find a way. A small candle can do away with darkness.

11) Focus on your main goals: Don,t let smaller goals distract you from your path. All actions and work must be towards the main goal.

12) If you will think about it, you will be able to do it: everything starts from a thought.

13) A girl,s maiyka is by her brother and bhabhi, parents shower their love and blessings.

14)  One of my favourite,” Raju!, if you are happy ,we are happy.”

My popsie is a Senior Advocate (law graduate), did MBA from Delhi University, recommends management books by Peter F. Drucker - modern management guru. My Momsie was a double M.A. & B.Ed. who always taught us to follow the formula of “Simple living# High thinking.”

Love you Maa from this world to your world: till we meet : up there: again.

Happy Mother,s day !



( Aapki Raju)





Virtue Vs Vile # Gratitude Vs Ingratitude

Virtue Vs Vile # Gratitude Vs Ingratitude

Since few days, an audio clip and newspaper cuttings are going viral. Seems society is in ingratitude mode towards the highest serving community of this universe – doctors. Somehow, spending money on movies in multiplexes, spending on lavish clothes, houses etc has become a necessity whereas paying a doctor,s fees ! Oh Gosh! It seems like their birth right has being snatched. How can a doctor charge a fee? After all, the poor patient has come to the doctor because of his/her illness needs sympathy. With opening of liquor shops and rise in economy graphs, one wonders whether this is a reality! How can we expect a civilized behavior from unconscious, sleepy minds drowned in vile of liqour.

Since, times and ages this has been the behavior and doctors are taken as easy/soft target. A person who spends nearly fifteen years in becoming a sound accomplished doctor (including high school years too) has lot of compassion and patience. Doctors are soft at heart hence easy targets. Doctors are united, but their duty is above everything else. Being a doctor is a choice. In fact, I feel it’s a religion in itself. We have our own world where we are happy and contented.

Few (rather many) restless souls who are un-thankful and vile, have mutant envious genes in them. They cannot digest the fact that doctors always seem to be calm and in control of their situation (mind).Virtue and vile go hand in hand just like a coin -Virtue(doctor)# vile (poisoned society). If one wants to remain positive, one must forgive and forget such incidences .One should remain calm and complain to concerned authorities.

There is a famous saying” Truth always prevails.” Once you know the intention is to malign you, stay clear. In these testing times, be prepared for the worst (everyday). The effects of Lock down 3.0 have started showing up in the society. With relaxation, people will vent their pent up emotions and frustrations on health care professionals, police force etc. When one feels the crisis has been tided over, they start showing their true colors. “Let go” of such incidents is the best policy. Meanwhile, prepare a fool proof strategy at state and national levels with one,s respective associations.

Buddha says, “If we don’t accept what is given (gift/bad words) by the other person, then those things remains with the other person.” So, why worry! Keep your remote in your own hands. Our children should also realize that problems exist everywhere, magnitude may vary. One should see everything in totality and then take a decision. Brain drain as it was called way back in eighties /nineties, now its talent drain (meaning is the same) Nobody can stop anyone from moving to greener pastures - it is the law of nature. Each one should remember their own duties and rights and their purpose in life.

My Popsie,s favorite statement ,”Things can,t happen as we wish : they happen as HE ( god) wishes.”So, keep calm, let no one destroy your inner peace. It will take few centuries before mankind awakens from their deep slumber. Till then, be the change, you want in others. Let,s spread positive news and not be disheartened by negative news. I will conclude with my favorite Serenity prayer, 

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: the courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.”



Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Till death do us apart # Lockdown 3.0

Till death do us apart # Lockdown 3.0

This vow “Till death do us apart” and marriage solemnized with fire as witness for seven births, I find these intriguing. Where one believes in togetherness till last breath, other one believes in a carry forward till next seven lives.

The relationship with Corona lockdown also seems to be quiet long, shore is nowhere in sight. The concept of social distancing has not yet seeped in. Every one moves with a thought process that he/she is immune to this virus. It,s the job of the government to save us. What attitude? Amazing! One should have faith and follow the guidelines issued by the government.

Social distancing has several aspects, not only being confined to your home. There is physical distancing, minimum arm breadth, there is social distancing in terms of no get-togethers, no parties, going to malls/ movies. Another important aspect which has been missed out is social media distancing. Keep safe distance from negative news, forwarded messages (without checking their authenticity), other social media sites. If we do so, there are fairer chances of remaining in positive frame of mind. It has become a trend to share pictures of whatever one is doing (In my case, I share my write ups), cooking experiments clicks/videos, online speeches, old memory shares etc. The whole concept is to keep oneself engaged in an activity so as to kill boredom and remain active. The best thing which caught my attention was online tambola, where there is even money transaction via Paytm zindabad!  Inspite of the physical distancing, there is one to one connectivity at the digital level.

Everyone is trying to make the best of this time so as to keep oneself in a progressive frame of mind. Family dance videos, college dance videos, awareness videos/speeches are in abundance and these make us feel connected as human beings at digital level. Each person is contributing in this pandemic in some way or the other, besides our main frontline warriors. Salute to teachers who are continuously upgrading themselves and taking online classes to engage students. Even children find a purpose with online classes and a sense of satisfaction. 

Special mention of educational webinars which are happening in a pandemic pattern. Everyday, there are so many webinars schedules, one feels as if all other work will be done with a magic wand. One should just sit with tea/coffee with laptop and mobile. 

Being confined as family has its share of ups and down with different moods swings pattern. I feel children are doing much better with their lives – they have good time management skills, elders on other hand are trying out different recipes for this stay vacation at home. Spouses are realizing that finally when sun will set, they will have each other to cherish. In special cases, people are realizing that their shores will be different when it will be dusk time. Realization is happening at all levels in all spheres. For some pre lockdown and lockdown time period is more or less the same, as their lives were already in quarantine mode.

This is my 50th write up, I am also evolving and transforming every moment.  Famous metaphors/phrases which were gold standards earlier, have new meaning. This will require another dedicated write up.

Lets adopt/ modify our lifestyle and habits as these times are actual “Game changers”.

The changes which no one could bring in us have been brought by tiny micro organisms who have a motto of “Humans! It,s high time for you to give up this callous attitude and abusive nature.” Lets pray that all of us sail through this with a healthy lifestyle/habit and a progressive, positive  thought process with a vow to oneself that we will continue with these modified change s even after this pandemic crisis is tided over. “Till death do us apart and even beyond “.

Stay safe# stay indoors.






Giant birds in Blue skies

My Airbus soared up in the blue skies leaving clouds far below. At 41010 feet above ground level, I felt I was in God's land . A safe an...