Monday, October 10, 2022

Humor # Pre-Diwali

 Humor # Pre-Diwali

An impromptu short write up which I want to share with all of you. A change in outlook brings out sheer joy.

I called up my friend in the morning to enquire about her plans for the day. “Today, is my Diwali cleaning day. I find this task so Herculean and always end up feeling, I could have done better,” she answered in a heavy voice.

“How about sent-up exam before this Herculean task?” I promptly replied. This brought my friend in the present moment and she sounded confused. “What do you mean?” she asked.

Now, I was sure she was paying full attention and I enjoyed those few after minutes thoroughly. Clearing my throat I said, “Look, before any final university exams, students need to appear for pre university or sent-ups. Just like pre-boards before board exams. Similarly, if you want to practice, I am generous enough to offer my house as sent-up exam. You are welcome to clean my house, test your instruments/ gadgets and skills properly before you attempt this in your house,” I replied in a most calm, soothing voice and tone.

don’t understand as to why she disconnected with some inaudible whispers. She has blocked me since then.

This was just to add comic tadka. Infact, we laughed our hearts out and my friend said, " I know you will write a blog on this before the day ends. " My friends know me really well. Feel blessed. 




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