Saturday, July 9, 2022

Decoding AAA- Part 1

Decoding AAA - Part 1

Disclaimer: This write up is based on author’s experiences. There is no intention to hurt anyone’s sentiments. Any resemblance to any person is purely coincidental 

 "Triple A " is one of the most powerful words on this planet. Depending upon the situation and one’s state of mind, it can be decoded. In this write up, I will decode Triple A as Alcohol, Anger and Arrogance.

Mental imbalance need not be necessarily after alcohol intake. Anger and arrogance are powerful stimulants which causes aggressive behavior. The brunt is borne by close family mainly spouse and children. The seeds are sown in-utero or during early childhood. A new born soul is pure, pious, peaceful, powerful. The surrounding environment shapes his personality and character.  

A soul which harbors either of these will create an invisible fort around for their protection, rather than for people around them. The behavioral pattern is same in all these cases. There are periods of aggression followed by soberness. There is a perpetual state of denial in all three types. All these bring about a state of temporary control. The goal is to live and let live and achieve absolute happiness. A state of denial never opens doors for improvement.  

De addiction and emotional management therapy can only work when a person accepts the fact that their behavior is causing irreparable damage in all relations. Only when denial mode resets to acceptance mode, the therapy can actually work. The first step is the most courageous one, as this is a fight with self. Inner fights are the greatest fights.

Miracles can happen if one is willing to replace AAA battery with new AAA battery of Awareness, Acceptance, Alignment so as to make life beautiful for self and those around. Only then one can lead a contented, fulfilled life.

Checking one’s AAA batteries regularly and timely replacement is the key for peace and harmony of self and those around.

To be continued...




Sunday, July 3, 2022

Need of the hour # Man empowerment!

Need of the hour # Man empowerment!

Since time immemorial, there has been hype about empowering women, the weaker sex, the fairer sex. Hypocrisy lies in the fact people who talk about such things have been brought into this world by a woman. How can a cat bear a lion? Only a lioness can bear a lion. All this heavy word talk carries no meaning and should be discarded as useless.

Why label the female gender as weak and then talk about empowerment. If the label is removed, all of us will see women as an individual. None can judge the power of a woman who carries a child in her womb for nine month. The ability to bear pain during child birth, the patience to nurture a child, the selfless nature to leave her childhood home and make a man’s four walled house a home, only a woman can do.

If man wants to survive, then they should rise above their ego and acknowledge woman as their counterpart and not as rivals. There can never ever be a comparison between a man and a woman. For comparison, parameters of both sides should be same. In this situation, the moulds are entirely different in terms of physical attributes, emotional power and highest of all, the ability to reproduce.

One can never elevate one’s orbit by putting someone down. One has to rise above the ground to be able to get a clear view. In humans, the journey is always started from at least two to three feet above the ground level, depending upon the height of one’s mother. Yet, their vision is compromised.

Only a woman can empower a man besides empowering herself and other women. This question is still unanswered as to why/how a man who is raised finely by a woman (in mother’s role) disrespects other women, even woman in his own house once he grows up? Are there many grey areas in a boy/man's upbringing?

The answer lies in woman’s change of behavior in different roles at various stages of her life.  Woman, who appreciates and praises her doting son in law ( who listens to her daughter), finds her own son as daughter in law’s servant and never misses a chance to be vocal about it. Isn’t it ironical? Daughter’s husband is praised for taking care of his wife, whereas her own son is humiliated for doing the same. 

The crux is the insecurity of the elder woman. The mother in law eyes her daughter in law as a competitor and never really accepts her. Man is sandwiched in between, however makes the best of the situation and starts dominating

Let’s not waste our energies in blame games. Accept the situation and try to make the best of it. In this circle of relationships, let’s help one another in rising. Let’s see a person as a soul without any labels of gender, economic and financial status. Then life would be worth living, happy and satisfying.

Strive to connect at soul level. Small steps in the right direction will lead to a happy destination.

Happy soul connections!










Giant birds in Blue skies

My Airbus soared up in the blue skies leaving clouds far below. At 41010 feet above ground level, I felt I was in God's land . A safe an...