Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Last Promise

The Last Promise

There are promises, which we take when we solemnize the marriage. Another promise, when we see our first born and so on. Have you realized one continues to make promises during different spheres of life – sometimes with oneself, at other times with someone else or with the outer world. The authenticity of one,s life can be measured by the number of promises one honors and not makes !

Day in, day out, we are making promises, its time to wonder and question oneself – “ How many of them have we honored ?”How soon we reach the sunset of our lives, one never realizes till it,s time to bid good bye. Lucky are those who have this much time to see their final destination. For many, life is snatched untimely, accidentally and suddenly.

Whatever you want to do, please go ahead and do it. When I was about to start my college journey, besides a lot of many advises, my father gave me one very important pearl which I have kept safely. The advise was, “More than the failure, what hurts more is the regret of not doing it . I wish and pray that you try whatever you aspire for, if you fail, it s not a bad idea as you will be spared of the regret of not trying, when you are in your forties. At the maximum, the worst outcome will be failure. If you don’t try, then as it is you have lost it. Go ahead and try.”  This gave me immense strength and power. I was armed with my parent’s wishes and God and books as my soul mates as I set on this worldly journey.

Drop the excuses, start honoring your promises and witness the infinite power of your mind and soul. Let every promise, be like your last promise. Unburden your heart here and now.

The last promise my momsie took from my popsie was to be strong as she was handing over her duties to him. To take care of himself well, so that their children could focus on their goals, to dress her like a bride during her last journey as he had brought her into the house, when they got married. The beautiful bond of more than fifty four years was concluded with this last promise. To this day, popsie is honoring this promise in full faith and spirits. At times, he does feel tired and requests her that he wants to join her. My momsie, strong determined lady, discourages him and says, ‘ Our children need you more, I am fine , don’t worry !”.

As I write the concluding part of my first book as “An Ode to my momsie”, tears get dried up in my eyes as I am reminded of my last promise.



A lot can happen over tea# Tea time sermons!

A lot can happen over tea# Tea time sermons!

Tea is my household is a ritual. The aroma of brewing tea in the pot at my mother,s house early mornings spreads a magic spell. That first tea which my mother made for my father and for us too had an altogether divine taste. We would get up early morning just to sit with my parents and sip tea. Going to sleep afterwards is another story. Usually, our little discussions were like sermons with either a moral at the end or a thought to ponder upon.

Having lived a beautiful life for more than four and half decades on this blue planet, I find it a moral duty to share, what I have learnt. Discussions between parents and children are very essential for over all development of this relation. Confidence is instilled in children and they develop a thinking mind. Sharing one,s (refer to parents ) own childhood/college days experiences is the magical key which opens any communication lock. An authentic share always strikes a chord. By the time, one is ready to face this world, one should be armed with all the knowledge. Experience will be individual as no two experiences can ever be the same.

I always believe to understand life one should befriend philosophy too. It gives just the right amount of flavor. Reading books by recommended authors is a must in the path of spiritual growth. Many years ago, I did Landmark course – basic, advanced and SELP       (self experience learning program). The mool mantar (most important composition) is something which we all know and have been taught by our parents. Sir Deepak Chopra,s 21 day meditation course, Robin Sharma,s wise books, Rhonda Byrne,s Secret, Chicken Soup for the soul by Mark Victor and Jack Canfield (to name a few) have been like a multi- vitamin supplement for nourishment of my soul.

If one goes in depth of any new idea of yesteryears like Buddhism and so on, one realizes the work needs to be done at core level. One can only work on oneself. All that we seek outside is already within us. Live life beautifully, fully and create your own life. Happy soul searching!

Find your own magical key!

Take Care,


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Inner Engineering# Sadhguru

Inner Engineering# Sadhguru

There comes a point in every one,s life, which defines the point of arrival in the journey of life. The questions – Who am I? What is the purpose of my life? What do I want? If such questions keep coming up in your mind, I bet you must be on one of the paths of spirituality.  

Just like every building has a foundation, similarly every concept/ theory has a basis. It takes many years before theories are tried and then either accepted or rejected. A abstract base always intrigues the mind and keep on bouncing back and forth in our lives. Scientific base always takes time to percolate and is there to stay.

Inner engineering by Sadhguru appeals to a scientific mind. The mechanics of life, acceptance, ways of living and creating life are dealt in a step by step manner in a scientific way. Many of the cobwebs are dusted and what remains is a clear shining mind. Let,s not go into detail of heart, mind and brain. Out of these three, mind is the powerhouse.  There are seven sessions of nearly ninety minutes each. The coherence and flow is so magical that one cannot leave in between.

God created human beings and kept all the tools inside as a safety measure. Now, the search is on and outside. Let,s take time to dwell upon inside and discover the tools.  

Happy inner engineering # worth a try.

Take Care,


RAJYOG MEDITATION- My experience # my words

Rajyog Meditation- My experience#my words:

Having tried different roads to progress on path of spiritual journey, Brahmakumari,s has been one of my favorite route. The very concept of Rajyog Meditation has intrigued me since many years. After two failed attempts whereby, I left this course midway, finally I could do it few days ago. The whole concept is on thought process. It teaches us to give positive affirmations to your mind and tune it in that bandwidth.

In Art of Living by Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji, the crux is on breath. In Rajyog, the crux is on thought. It’s a seven days program with a daily devotion of pure sixty minutes. The whole concept of soul and its inherent powers is explained in a story form. During the program, there is self realization that, all that we seek outside, is already within us.

God has created a master piece in form of human being. Human mind is most powerful reserve on this planet Earth, whose potential has not yet been tapped to even a respectable level. Everything starts in one, s mind. Once the seed of thought is sowed, the same plant is bound to grow. One should be very careful in sowing seeds. All the positive thoughts will elevate to a higher orbit whereas, negative thoughts will pull you with force into an empty well (the depth of which is not yet determined).

As we cleanse our body every day, it,s is imperative to clean our mind too. One is never taught about mental cleansing, all the effort is on the outside. As one faces the challenges of life, many of us are left in search of the correct path. For those in pursuit of inner peace and spiritualism, life seems to be dual faced – simple yet complex. As one grows from infancy to childhood to adolescence to young age, unknowingly, our soul gets covered by unwanted layers. It,s a gradual process. So, removing the layers will also take time. Have patience, practice Rajyog meditation. The stress is on – “Being your own king (Raja jaisa yog karo- practice yog like a king)”.

This is a continuous process, ongoing throughout the day in which one tends to give a positive thought for a day as the day dawns. Every hour or so, one should remind oneself of this affirmation (even if for 5-10 seconds). This is not of one week duration, rather a lifelong process. This, when repeated regularly becomes ingrained as our value. Gradually, as one progresses on this path, with each thought as task for the day, the soul shines in its original form- The light is so striking, pure and blinding.

Just as we cleanse our body daily, it,s crucial to clean our soul too.

Happy soul cleansing! Follow the path of spirituality.

Create your yog like a king# Rajyog meditation.

Take Care,


Metaphors # Bank terminology

Metaphors # Bank terminology  God created humans in all shapes and sizes with unique metabolisms. There are some who gain weight at a bullet...