Thursday, July 2, 2020

A lot can happen over tea# Tea time sermons!

A lot can happen over tea# Tea time sermons!

Tea is my household is a ritual. The aroma of brewing tea in the pot at my mother,s house early mornings spreads a magic spell. That first tea which my mother made for my father and for us too had an altogether divine taste. We would get up early morning just to sit with my parents and sip tea. Going to sleep afterwards is another story. Usually, our little discussions were like sermons with either a moral at the end or a thought to ponder upon.

Having lived a beautiful life for more than four and half decades on this blue planet, I find it a moral duty to share, what I have learnt. Discussions between parents and children are very essential for over all development of this relation. Confidence is instilled in children and they develop a thinking mind. Sharing one,s (refer to parents ) own childhood/college days experiences is the magical key which opens any communication lock. An authentic share always strikes a chord. By the time, one is ready to face this world, one should be armed with all the knowledge. Experience will be individual as no two experiences can ever be the same.

I always believe to understand life one should befriend philosophy too. It gives just the right amount of flavor. Reading books by recommended authors is a must in the path of spiritual growth. Many years ago, I did Landmark course – basic, advanced and SELP       (self experience learning program). The mool mantar (most important composition) is something which we all know and have been taught by our parents. Sir Deepak Chopra,s 21 day meditation course, Robin Sharma,s wise books, Rhonda Byrne,s Secret, Chicken Soup for the soul by Mark Victor and Jack Canfield (to name a few) have been like a multi- vitamin supplement for nourishment of my soul.

If one goes in depth of any new idea of yesteryears like Buddhism and so on, one realizes the work needs to be done at core level. One can only work on oneself. All that we seek outside is already within us. Live life beautifully, fully and create your own life. Happy soul searching!

Find your own magical key!

Take Care,


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