Saturday, January 7, 2023

HNY 2023# Author interview

The year 2022 was a roller coaster year with personal losses. However, it ended on a positive note happy note. 

1) My book - *Momsie Popsie Diary Tea  time chit chat on living life* has been selected for the *prestigious Golden Book Awards 2023.*(There were 5500+ nominations).My 15th Literary Award* 

2) In *ISCCM - ( Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine )* newsletter, Nov-Dec 2022, my interview was published in section Wellness Journey : Mind, Body and soul ( page 88-91)

3) My *Author interview was released on You tube channel -* Wellness with Dr. Diptimala.

Wish you and your family a very happy, fulfilling new year 2023.



Situationship # Gennext relationship

Those born in seventies are now parents to teenage and college going children. It is of utmost importance to keep oneself abreast with the latest trends. 21st century has witnessed changes at a greater pace than previous centuries. Thanks to Digital era, every individual has a steady companion. No rewards for guessing! Yes, it’s the mobile phone. The brighter side is it's like having the entire universe in your hand. However, there is a darker side too. Excess of knowledge with unlimited access has introduced the gennext to a different world where values like commitment, faith, trust, loyalty, etc are either much lower down the list or maybe missing. One of the values which, tops the list is the fear of commitment. This unknown fear has led to evolution of terms like Friends for benefits, no strings attached or situationships.

A situationship is a romantic relationship that is not defined and is not made official. There is no commitment between the two and both are free. This trend is on a rise and I have seen this generation being fine with this concept. They get in and out of relationship at a snap of fingers. They get detached quickly or in their language, do not carry any emotional baggage. Many a times, they are checking on multiple persons at the same time. And this may be the underlying reason that they get detached quickly and move on. (There is nothing wrong being in a situationship if both are comfortable and open about it. Please seek help if either one is not fine with this.)

This write up is not an attempt to judge this generation. The noble thought is to shake parents out of slumber. On learning such things, we should refrain from reactive responses and have mature, non judgmental responses. There are numerous articles on internet regarding situationship - the signs to identify this and remedial steps to get out of this and so on.

As it’s the first weekend of New Year, I wanted to share something new with my readers. It is always easy to judge others, especially the next generation. Even our generation has heard taunts umpteen number of times, relating to our life styles, etc. I conclude with few points to ponder upon-

What did this gennext see in our behavior that such terms evolved? Are we showing signs of lack of trust and commitment too? (Though, we don’t talk about it or are not aware.) How we can inculcate the importance of commitment, sanctity of being in a steady relationship? The onus is on us.

Get your neurons activated over a cup of tea/ coffee.

Let’s pledge to evolve with our children and not judge them.

Let’s pledge to appreciate them. The world has enough critics already.

Share your thoughts in comments section or as a direct message.



Giant birds in Blue skies

My Airbus soared up in the blue skies leaving clouds far below. At 41010 feet above ground level, I felt I was in God's land . A safe an...