Saturday, January 7, 2023

HNY 2023# Author interview

The year 2022 was a roller coaster year with personal losses. However, it ended on a positive note happy note. 

1) My book - *Momsie Popsie Diary Tea  time chit chat on living life* has been selected for the *prestigious Golden Book Awards 2023.*(There were 5500+ nominations).My 15th Literary Award* 

2) In *ISCCM - ( Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine )* newsletter, Nov-Dec 2022, my interview was published in section Wellness Journey : Mind, Body and soul ( page 88-91)

3) My *Author interview was released on You tube channel -* Wellness with Dr. Diptimala.

Wish you and your family a very happy, fulfilling new year 2023.



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