Virtue Vs Vile # Gratitude Vs Ingratitude
Since few days, an audio clip and newspaper cuttings are going
viral. Seems society is in ingratitude mode towards the highest serving community of
this universe – doctors. Somehow, spending money on movies in multiplexes,
spending on lavish clothes, houses etc has become a necessity whereas paying a
doctor,s fees ! Oh Gosh! It seems like their birth right has being snatched.
How can a doctor charge a fee? After all, the poor patient has come to the doctor
because of his/her illness needs sympathy. With opening of liquor shops and
rise in economy graphs, one wonders whether this is a reality! How can we
expect a civilized behavior from unconscious, sleepy minds drowned in vile of liqour.
Since, times and ages this has been the behavior and doctors
are taken as easy/soft target. A person who spends nearly fifteen years in
becoming a sound accomplished doctor (including high school years too) has lot
of compassion and patience. Doctors are soft at heart hence easy targets.
Doctors are united, but their duty is above everything else. Being a doctor is
a choice. In fact, I feel it’s a religion in itself. We have our own world
where we are happy and contented.
Few (rather many) restless souls who are un-thankful and
vile, have mutant envious genes in them. They cannot digest the fact that
doctors always seem to be calm and in control of their situation (mind).Virtue
and vile go hand in hand just like a coin -Virtue(doctor)# vile (poisoned
society). If one wants to remain positive, one must forgive and forget such
incidences .One should remain calm and complain to concerned authorities.
There is a famous saying” Truth always prevails.” Once you
know the intention is to malign you, stay clear. In these testing times, be
prepared for the worst (everyday). The effects of Lock down 3.0 have started
showing up in the society. With relaxation, people will vent their pent up
emotions and frustrations on health care professionals, police force etc. When
one feels the crisis has been tided over, they start showing their true colors.
“Let go” of such incidents is the best policy. Meanwhile, prepare a fool proof
strategy at state and national levels with one,s respective associations.
Buddha says, “If we don’t accept what is given (gift/bad
words) by the other person, then those things remains with the other person.”
So, why worry! Keep your remote in your own hands. Our children should also
realize that problems exist everywhere, magnitude may vary. One should see
everything in totality and then take a decision. Brain drain as it was called
way back in eighties /nineties, now its talent drain (meaning is the same)
Nobody can stop anyone from moving to greener pastures - it is the law of
nature. Each one should remember their own duties and rights and their purpose
in life.
My Popsie,s favorite statement ,”Things can,t happen as we wish : they happen as HE ( god) wishes.”So, keep calm, let no one destroy your inner peace. It will take few centuries before mankind awakens from their deep slumber. Till then, be the change, you want in others. Let,s spread positive news and not be disheartened by negative news. I will conclude with my favorite Serenity prayer,
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: the
courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.”
Your pen is shedding gems. Too good.
Great thought.
The attitude as it must be.
The best is.....
Give me wisdom to recognize what is changeable and what is not.
Excellently written
Yesss!The concluding prayer carries the crux !! And it applies not just to the present crisis, but to all the times and situation alike.
May we all grow up to the ideal !!!!
Very apt for present times.
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