Friday, June 25, 2021

I am the best version of myself

A friend came to see me at my workplace. I was in awe of her answer,  when I asked her, if she wanted medical evaluation,  " I have come to freshen up my mind " was her prompt reply.

Welcome aboard my workplace where worries vanish into thin air over a hot cuppa of tea. 

" Empty nest syndrome" is an entity known to many of us who are in their fearless forties.  I have realized that a mother weaves her own life around her family and it's not too late before she starts searching for her own orignal true self.  As children grow up, time comes to leave the nest. The women, the mother in her, starts to feel the emptiness set in. Many of us, start to doubt about our own worth.

This time is most crucial as negative thoughts rein over the positive ones. Just as we harness the waters to generate hydroelectricity, similarly our thoughts must be channelized to give power to our constructive positive thoughts. 

Always remember that we came into this world alone. Gradually many people associated with us, in this journey of life as our inner circle or outer circle

In mid twenties or early thirties , appropriate time comes for marriage and then children (for majority of us). The  journey unfolds at its own pace. As the the grains of sand pass through the hour glass , there comes a time when, people in our lives gradually bid goodbye and leave us. If one is lucky enough, the companionship lasts for decades. Sooner or later,either one has to leave the mortal coil. Once again, we are left all by our ownself.

One should have this thought embedded that one,s  entry and exit in this world is alone. God never sends us in pairs ( please ignore twins and triplets). In the journey of life, one should not get too much attached to anyone or anybody.  Keep on practicing the theory of detachment. This will help us in leading a fulfilled life. Never ever question yourself , " Am I good enough?"

Please remember, we all are very much good enough.  Keep yourself in the centre and witness how the life changes once the focus shifts from external to internal self. The entire world changes . Keep the remote of your life in your hands securely. 

Be focussed in being the best version of yourself. 

Stop ! Pause ! Breathe ! and start thinking I am the best.




Anonymous said...

Lovely read

Unknown said...

Beautifully penned down
Corona has definitely taught us self love kind of thing...
Be ur own favorite!!
Definitely, ur work place works wonders over a cup of 🍵
Keep writing and keep sharing

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written..

Komal Singla said...

Very beautiful thought!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully expressed. Hoping to read some more from you Remanshu
. Keep sharing🤗,

Neeta Goyal said...

Yes, so true!! We all are essentially alone !!!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful...I m touched

sangeeta said...

very nyc mam

Unknown said...

Beautiful truth of life described so nicely.. lovely wrote up..👍

DrShital said...

Wow Ma'am. Just loved each and every line. The thoughts, the emotions embedded, the outpourings of inner feelings, the expressions enriched with experience --- all left me in awe, in togetherness --- all in one read. Thx for sharing. Keep inspiring us. Your smile spreading do wonders on us. :)
- Dr. ( Major ) Shital Jindal

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