Mobile in Mobile World!
This term
struck me, as I waited along the side of road at zebra crossing, waiting for my
turn to cross the road. Almost every vehicle rider, be it a two wheeler or a four wheeler, almost everyone had a mobile phone in one hand and other hand on the wheel. They seemed oblivious to the ongoing traffic and
pedestrians. All the expressions and thoughts seemed to be in sync with the person
on the other side of the mobile. It seemed scary to me to cross the road. A thought struck me, “Why are human beings in so much hurry? On which race track are they running? Is multi
tasking a good thing? If the answer is yes, then, at what cost?”
They are
already in a physical mobile state. To add a cherry on top, the mind is also in
mobile state. How can anyone focus on the work which requires one’s total attention
(here, I refer to driving). One has to act sensibly when, the life of others is at
risk besides one’s own life. Every day, we witness these scenes, many a times, are enacting these scenes too. All of us are fine actors. God has given us a beautiful life
to relish and cherish. How can we put our life at stake for that one moment of
urgency to answer a call?
In this
digital world with developments at breakneck speed, human being has forgotten
to enjoy the journey along the way. Please apply brakes, steer your vehicle to
one side and stop to take the call or to enjoy life. For once, practice
immobility in this mobile world. Disconnect to connect! See the difference and choose. One always has
a choice. Choose wisely.
Very much I have noticed many time I also do the same. Thanks for opening up my eyes.
Very true and really disappointing
True. If fine is levied strictly, this problem can come under control.
Very true.. but today’s sad reality..
too good mam
Absolutely right didi. Mobile phones used on the road have become a malaise endangering limbs and life. Let's don't make the gadgets our masters !
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