Monday, December 9, 2024

Koi no Yokan!

Dear readers, 

How many of you like December - cold weather, Christmas and New Year eve ?

Although I am not a winter person, yet I love this month. Since childhood, I have loved reading stories and watching movies about white Christmas, cakes, cookies, Santa, reindeers and decorations. Pray Santa makes this wish come true next year.

To soothe my craving soul, I watch Christmas theme centric movies. Last evening, I watched a beautiful crisp movie set in New York and Vermont. There is this phrase used by the main protagonist -

" Koi no Yokan!" 

This is a famous saying in Tokyo which means - that you will fall in love with the person you just met (love premonition).

I found it very profound and powerful. The whole movie is about opening up, giving oneself another chance in life and being courageous in taking this step. 

While penning my thoughts, I am whispering this (so that my reader falls in love with my thoughts.) 

I pray my reader looks into the mirror and says, " Koi no Yokan!" 



(Coming soon Momsie Popsie Diary 3.0)


Amrita Rana said...

Nicely expressed as always

Anonymous said...

Loved it

Anonymous said...

Keep rocking 😎

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very cute write up

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