Saturday, February 3, 2024

Mam ji! Are we dirty ?

Visit to slums is inspiring. The smile on little children’s faces and their eagerness to see new books is unmatched. My JRC Mobile library runs every week and caters to 3 evening schools and around 50 children. These children are getting used to the idea of issuing fancy, glossy books (primary education) and returning too. They wait eagerly for every Thursday evening for JRC mobile library.

Today, I decided to go early with a friend on my two-wheeler. As I steered my two wheeler on a rough patch towards slums, we could see many small children running towards us smiling, cheering and shouting.” Good afternoon mam ji! Namaste mam ji”.

There is one particular boy who always greets me with the brightest smiles and expresses his eagerness to study in the evening school. Every time, he tells the same story, his parents didn’t agree. Afterall begging is easier, hard work is less and earning more.

Today he came and said, "Mam ji, I have got my Aadhar card and have enrolled in your evening school, Next week, I will also issue book from the library.”

I patted him and went ahead to issue books. On my return, I saw swarm of little boys around 5-7 years of age sitting on my two-wheeler, touching each and every part of my Activa. Few had running noses; they were wiping their noses with bare hands and touching.

I spoke sternly to get away from my two-wheeler. That same boy and few other said, “Mam ji, if we sit on your seat or touch your two-wheeler, it will get dirty! You consider us dirty, isn’t it?” They lowered their head and their smiles vanished.

I replied cheerfully, “Children! You are not dirty, my Activa is dirty. If you touch, you will smear your hands with dirt. Look, there is a layer of thick dirt all around.” They all smiled as they slid their fingers along the rear aspect. On seeing a layer of dirt on their fore finger, they exclaimed, “Mam ji! You are right, we are not dirty.” They smiled and retreated.

As I started the ignition, I asked them, “What do you want to eat next week?”

“Apples “, they said in a chorus.

On my way back, I recollected the incident and realized, my few words had acted like a moral booster for them. They are so used to being shooed away, it is drilled in their system. I smiled as I remembered their happy faces, “Mam ji we are not dirty.” 

Deep inside, I know on my next visit, few more children will come forward to study. 

The ice had been broken.

I upheld my vision of “Lets ignite the mind: before we light the Diyas.” JRC Theme for year 2023-24




Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Audio link # Book 18 #/#Those Broken Whispers Volume 1

 Dear All,

Please find below the Audio Links of my  title 

Enjoy hearing my short stories. 
Book Launch 13 January, 2024 , KLC 24 Kolkata Literary Carnival 


Sunday, December 31, 2023

Top 19 most unique writers


 *1)Medium News*

 *2)Web Story India*

 *3) Tumblr News*

 *4)Pixstory News*

 *5)Dailyhunt News*

 *6)Web Story Official Post*

 *7)Live Journal*


 *9)Quora Digest*

 *10)Rising Talent Featured*

 *11)Achiever's Spot*

 *12)Youth Ki Awaaz News*

 *13)Medium Shorts*

 *14)Tumblr Shorts*

 *15)Dailyhunt Shorts*

 *16)Quora Shorts*

 *17)Avalanches World News*


 *19)Flipboard Magazine*

 *20)Substack Official Post*

 *21)Google Search Results*

 *22)Google News Site*





 *26)Podcast App*


 *28)FM Version*

 *29)Pocket Cast*

 *30)Listen Notes*

 *31)Tune In* 


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Japanese version#MPD 2.0

 Dear Juju's Pearls,

Congrats! Your title is now live and available for purchase. You may now make the announcement of the availability of your title among your network accordingly.

Please find the links to your title availability below,

Title Name - Momsie Popsie Diary 2.0 Japanese Version

Ukiyoto All Versions -

Will be available in other channels gradually

20th Book # Chanakyasutrani Volume 1

Hello readers, 

My 20th book  title Chanakyasutrani Volume I is now live and available for purchase.

Book release at 

47th Kolkata International Book Fair 2024 on 18th January, 2024 

This will be placed in National Library, India, an honor as an author .

Available as Paperback, Hard book, Hard Book Dust Jackets, e-book



Thursday, December 21, 2023

19th Book is Live

Dear readers, 

My  19th book title The Echoes of Ages Volume I is now live and available for purchase. 

My stories are selected as first stories.

Available as Paperback, e-book , Hard book & Dust Jacket cover 

The link is as below

AudioBook will be launched soon. 



Friday, December 15, 2023

Top 10 Personalities of the Year

Dear reader, 

Feeling humbled and seems like a dream to see being featured in an article by India Today -"Top 10 Personalities of the Year." Is it technical glitz ? 

Click on the link to read the entire article



Monday, December 11, 2023

French Version # Momsie Popsie Diary 2.0

Hello readers, 

Sharing excerpts from mail.

Dear Juju's Pearls,

Congrats! Your title is now live and available for purchase. You may now make the announcement of the availability of your title among your network accordingly. Please find the links to your title availability below,

Title Name - Momsie Popsie Diary 2.0 French Version

Ukiyoto All Versions -

Available as Paperback, 


Hardback Dust Jacket

Digital Flipbook 

Please share with your friends who know French.



Thursday, December 7, 2023

18th Book Listing link

Hello readers , 

Sharing listing link of my 18th book 

Those Broken Whispers Volume 1 

This will be launched in Kolkata Literary Carnival KLC 24, January 13, 2024

It features my four short stories as first author.

AudioBook will be launched soon. 



Filipino Version # Momsie Popsie Diary 2.0

Hello Readers, 

Sharing excerpts from mail 

Dear Juju's Pearls,

Congrats! Your title is now live and available for purchase. You may now make the announcement of the availability of your title among your network accordingly.

Please find the links to your title availability below,

Title Name - Momsie Popsie Diary 2.0 Filipino Version

Ukiyoto All Versions -

Will be available in other channels gradually

Available as Paperback, 


Hardback Dust Jacket

Digital Flipbook 

Please share with your Filipino friends. 



Monday, November 27, 2023

Pre-marital counselling : Things I want to fix in marriage.

Dear Readers,

Sharing another story from my book number 18 ,Those Broken Whispers Volume 1- Physical Book Launch & Signing at Kolkata Literary Carnival (KLC) 2024,  Day 2- 13th Jan'24

Pre-marital counselling

Things I want to fix in marriage.


This is the relationship which tops the list in missing out spoken words thereby accumulating broken whispers.

“Marriages are made in heaven and solemnized on Earth.”

If this is true then how come marriages go sour? Why do many relationships become ugly. The most pious, multi- faceted, bag full of emotions defines marriage. Even if we think we do not expect from marriage, yet we do expect a word of praise or appreciation from our spouse. After more than two decades living in my marriage household, I take this opportunity to give voice to my broken whispers. Before these whispers break me, I will break them and set myself free.


  • Can marriage be really fixed?

Girl is new in her in laws house. She has been brought up in an entirely different way and has a mind of her own. Time is required from both parties for adjustments. The onus is always on the groom (boy) as the girl has followed him into this new household.

A briefing must be done by him about the nature of members, their habits and triggering areas. Refrain from comparing your wife with your mother or sisters. Please remember you have been raised in this house and have spent your initial years with your family. This doesn’t make them right and me wrong. Never leave your wife with your mother for long. Chances are your own mother will fill her with negativity about you.

Mothers seldom like their son spending time with their wives. Though in case of their own daughter, the story is exact opposite. The boy should never criticize his wife with his parents for too long. This creates space in the marriage, your personal and married life becomes a subject of discussion.

Learn to love your wife, respect your wife. A girl is treated in the household by the way her husband treats her. Make your wife your priority. She should come before everything else. Same holds true for husbands too. Give your spouse time to adjust a new individual in their space. Differences are bound to happen as simple as one spouse likes to keep toothpaste down while other like it upward. Give one another sufficient time.  

As a rule of thumb, never ever show your displeasure whenever your wife wants to visit her parents. Please understand she has spent her childhood. Overnight, she has to change her entire environment.

One needs to give time to adjust . avoid praising someone else’s spouse in front of your own spouse. This gives rise to unnecessary insecurity and disturbs harmony.

There are many things I wish I could fix in this phase of married life. The comparison with your sisters, insulting the stuff which comes from my parent’s side, disrespecting my parents to doubting the authenticity of jewels given by my parents.

When your younger sister disposed the photograph negatives of our honeymoon trip (our sole memory), nobody told her she had done wrong. Her ego has always been bloated and given importance. I would fix and get a lock for our room. Room was the only space I had for initial decade. My room has been cleaned in my absence including my cupboards and dressing table. Many a times, our room has been used as guest room. I want to fix this Why can anyone use your sleeping space as a guest room?

On our wedding night, I waited for you to enter the room but mother-in law sent your sisters who were too eager to help me undress and change into nightwear. I wish we could have done this. You don’t like when I speak with my parents or sisters!

The list is long and painful. Temper tantrums, fight during meal times, hitting our children with the intention of “If I hit your children, you feel more pain than if I hit you. To inflict pain, it’s better to hit your children.” I could never understand whether children were ours or mine?

As I walk down the memory lane, many such incidents keep popping up. You were quite vocal of aborting my second pregnancy as I had some complications causing absence from my work. In spite of having a C section, your mother went on a holy trip to pay offering to God leaving me alone with two children aged 6 years and 3 days old to handle the house all by myself. Why no one, I mean either you or your father intervene? It was always the same story that Mother in-law is stubborn and she doesn’t listen to any person.

So many times, I was instructed to cut short my trip to my parent’s house because of some emergency reason. Only to come back early and learn the truth that your mother had to go for some non-specific, routine ultra important trip and they needed someone to cook and take care of the house. She gave be few thousand bucks for taking care of your father, house in general and cooking. Thereby sending a message loud and clear that the house belonged to her and I was only a guest.

I realize that I have crossed these hurdles with courage and wisdom. At times, I feel there are many things which I wish I could fix and at times, I feel this was my perception of right and wrong which made by spouse seem like a torturer.

The last nail in the coffin was untimely demise of my mother. You behaved coldly and remarked, “Everyone has to go. This is the law of land, written in our scriptures. Yesterday was someone else parents today yours, tomorrow someone else.” I was shattered by the cold shoulder. You expressed hatred so much so that you skipped her Prayer meeting.

Here I want to stress for all new generation entering into a matrimonial alliance that the thought “Marriage is an Institution” is the eternal truth. It needs to be built up by both partners on a foundation of respect, love and trust. If the foundation is strong, you will weather all storms of indifferences.

One may feel, the onus is on the groom, and it seems correct too. But one needs to remember that even for him, it’s the first time. Many a times, boys do not get pre-marital counselling as much is given to a girl. A balanced approach with good pre-marital counselling is the need of the hour. So that we can have less of broken whispers and more of happy souls.

Do leave your comments.

Love, Juju .

Metaphors # Bank terminology

Metaphors # Bank terminology  God created humans in all shapes and sizes with unique metabolisms. There are some who gain weight at a bullet...