
Mobile in Mobile World

  Mobile in Mobile World! This term struck me, as I waited along the side of road at zebra crossing, waiting for my turn to cross the road. Almost every vehicle rider, be it a two wheeler or a four wheeler, almost everyone had a mobile phone in one hand and other hand on the wheel.   They seemed oblivious to the ongoing traffic and pedestrians. All the expressions and thoughts seemed to be in sync with the person on the other side of the mobile. It seemed scary to me to cross the road. A thought struck me, “Why are human beings in so much hurry? On which race track are they running? Is multi tasking a good thing? If the answer is yes, then, at what cost?” They are already in a physical mobile state. To add a cherry on top, the mind is also in mobile state. How can anyone focus on the work which requires one’s total attention (here, I refer to driving). One has to act sensibly when, the life of others is at risk besides one’s own life. Every day, we witness these scenes, many a time


PES! I am sitting at my workplace. A known friend comes and reaches out for my hand. She holds it. I am taken aback by this. Sensing my discomfort, she blurts ‘” I have come to take positive energy from you!” “Are you a PES?” I retorted. She gave me a blank look.   I explained to her, “PES implies positive energy seekers or sucker, either way. Which category do you belong?” She smiled and said, “Obviously, seeker.” Our conversation over cup of tea transcended from trivial things to life altering experiences. After forty five minutes, she stood up seemingly charged and confident. Heading towards the door, she looked back and smiled, “I am in love with this word –PES, important is to be seeker. “ Swaying her ponytail she walked, there was a spurt in her stride. I felt charged and filled with positive energy too. In my day to day life, I am wary of suckers and inadvertently invite seekers. There is a hairline difference between the two. It is of utmost importance to recognize this d

T&C apply

T&C apply In all important documents, all of us must have noticed that terms and conditions are mentioned in very small size, barely visible to naked eye. There is a reason behind this strategy. What is appearing large and obvious is relevant, but the small alphabets at the bottom form the crux. So often, one tends to ignore the small written content and reads what the seller wants us to read.  The seller knows the mind of the buyer way too much than the buyer himself.This is one of the most time tested technique for allurement. T & C is applicable to every aspect of our lives. In every work sphere, every relationship there exist terms and conditions. Mother nature, functions in an immaculate way by its own laws. Any species, who challenges the laws, tends to face the wrath. There are innumerable incidences which one can read and must have witnessed too in their lives. To harness the wild energy of man, certain terms and conditions were laid down by learned sect of the so

Through a child's lens ! Born to rebel!

Through a child's lens! P.S. This write up is written in a light vein to add humor to real life anecdotes as perceived by me as a child. If one is true to oneself, you will echo the same feelings.  Who is a rebel? There are various ways to define this depending upon the sphere of activity. I define myself as a born rebel, giving my Momsie a real hard time. I challenged her ways of expression of showing mother's love by pouring extra ghee in meals or filling (almost overflowing) cup of milk, adding grated bottle gourd in yogurt, chopping vegetables so fine and tiny, that they cannot be picked separately by spoon or fork. And one ends up eating them. This conduct seems like a heinous crime to a small child.  In spite of asking what to cook for lunch, my mother prepares some entirely different meal, also accounts to breach of trust. To a child (here I refer to myself) mother seems no different than a Jai Chand, many a times.   As my journey around the sun increased, so did the reb

The Closure! Part 2

P.S. This write up is dedicated to all the souls who left their mortal form suddenly, who were alone in their last moment or did not get a proper farewell as per their rituals and customs. Dedicated to my school friend who is unable to come to terms with loss of her parent and seeks my help. Pray this helps ! Human beings live life as if, they are immortal. The awareness about mortality has been deeply buried. Time and again, the vulnerable aspect of human life strikes and the slumber is broken. Some handle it in a stride, few tend to remain shaken, for  others, it may take a long time to come to terms with reality . Covid pandemic has been one of the greatest tool in bringing this fact on surface. Human beings are vulnerable and mortal. Yet, many  people tend to forget this. Last eighteen months have witnessed  many instances. So many people were half way across the globe when their loved ones left on higher journeys. The pain of not being in their last moment or in being a part of th

Indiscipline Vs Discipline

Indiscipline Vs Discipline A baby is born in this world, free, natural and pure. The entire family tries to inculcate discipline in the little child right from the next moment. Be it feeding schedule, bathing schedule, toilet training etc. Somehow, what the newborn learns depends upon the learning experience of the teachers - parents and family.  During the initial years, the carefree, natural soul is conditioned as per family's and society values. Everything seems black and white with no transition zones. It,s either right or wrong. Gradually, the child becomes a disciplined and cultured person. The situation changes when the time comes to fly from the nest. Welcome aboard ! the arena of life - big world. There is exposure to different culture and traditions. Many of us start to feel suffocated in our disciplined moulds. Lucky are those ,who can control/modify the breaking of their cast and embrace life as it is. If this spell is broken, indiscipline is bound to make its way. It i

The Closure ! Part 1

The Closure!  Everything, everyone needs a closure. If we talk in medical terms,the primary wound closure takes generally 24 to 48 hours, that's healing by primary and secondary intention.  Thereafter, it takes around 4 to 6 weeks for the wound to heal and tissue to regain strength. This is the time period that nature has decided upon the wound closures. But what about our emotional wounds? How much time does it take? Have you ever thought about it?  The amount of time emotional wound takes to heal, can take from few hours, to days for few of us, to a lifetime for others. Right from the time, when we learn to speak to the time we learn to be in silence, I have realized, talking doesn't require much energy. Whereas, it takes immense strength, will power and restraint to withhold our words. In many situations, speaking becomes detrimental. The proverb, " If speech is silver, silence is gold", holds true. Silence is closure to speech. The point here, which comes in my mi