Sunday, November 24, 2019

Half filled glass # Life lesson# 1 approach

Half filled glass # Life

All of us have heard this story about a glass on table, half filled with water.

Million dollar question is- what’s your take on this?
Half filled or half empty……….

Interaction with my FPG always illuminates my mind and thinking process, and a casual conversation yields a new meaning to this old life’s story of half filled glass.

An optimist views it as half filled whereas, a pessimist views it as half empty.

This theory is old, rather obsolete. there are few takes on this.

So what are the newer interpretations.......

One is that one should just pick up the glass and fill it with all his/her might. Why should one waste time? A courageous and determined person will use this approach, rather than ponder ,whether it is empty or filled!

Another is, to fill the remaining glass with either water, milk, juice or anything of one,s own choice and so as to modify the original content.

Wow! never thought like this. In fact such approach should be in all spheres which are not functioning well.
Time to stop, think!
Don’t waste time on analyzing situations.
Get up and act.

As the saying goes,
Doers don’t speak # they act.
Thinkers only speak #don’t, act.

Immersing this theory within, I acted and penned down my thoughts.
Ha! Ha!



twinkle gupta said...

Excellent approach. This blog should be read by every child.

Juju's Pearls said...

Thanks , please share

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