Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Roads#Life lessons

Roads# Life lessons

Morning time, school time, drive time, holy time, when you connect
with the almighty in fleeting seconds almost instantly.
Traffic signal caught my attention while driving my son to school today morning. Morning calm and serenity is disturbed by driver’s honking even
at redlight as if the driver ahead ( me)is oblivious to the traffic signal.

It was clear that the next traffic signal lights were in coherence with the above said light. Immediately my thinking cap was on. Why everyone is in such a hurry to cross the red light. Red light is akin to moments of pauses in our lives to think and introspect, whether my ship is navigating in the right direction or do I need to steer, and assess the path ahead.
Even if we cross this red light by overtaking, we need to stop at the next one. So, what’s the hurry?
Let the engine rest (vehicles as well your own body ), then take the best shot in first gear and cross both the green lights at one go maintaining a good speed and saving on fuel and wear tear.
A simple traffic signal emanates so much energy and life’s theory.

Next came the speed breakers on the road. All the vehicles at different positions and speed came to halt, especially the ones at high speed had to make an abrupt halt to cross over. Eventually, all vehicles were at the same pace and position.

Have you ever wondered why these speed breakers are made at the most important roads/ places like-school, temples, residential areas, busiest market places, offices, etc?
The reason is life in these areas is concentrated and hence, very precious. It's time to slow down your speed, cherish life, maneuver slowly and steadily over the speed breaker to avoid hitting your vehicle from below.
Maintain a slow and steady pace, so that speed breakers# challenges in life can be overcome smoothly. The faster the pace, the more abrupt the halt and chances of jolt/injury increase.

The first chapter and last chapter has already been written.
In between, one has to manage.
Happy managing in-between parts of our lives.



Anonymous said...

What a comparison
Great view

Daisy said...

Simply fabulous. What a simile to life, of a such a mundane daily routine.Only you can do it.

Unknown said...

Beautiful juju....loved reading and relating

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