Monday, January 20, 2020


Disclaimer: This is a post from unknown source. Edited to suit my style and taste .


I often get asked, .... Your child must be good in maths , science, studies
in general... I simply say no, he is not.
My child is average.
Am I ashamed to say this?  Yes?
No !
Should I be lying that he is the best in something which he is not, in front of others? Definitely No !

My child is that average child who people fail to notice either for not being at the top or being at the bottom. People fail to notice the sweet smile, funny talks, tight hugs,  friendly personality, kind behaviour, mild manners, helpful nature because he is JUST an average child.

The school, society celebrates children who are top scorers or good in sports and extra-curricular, which rightfully they should.

Amidst all this, my average child who is a spectator and cheers his friends with full heart goes unnoticed. His  love for sports ,(even when he knows he is not going to be selected for school team)  his love for music (even though he knows he is not going to be selected for school choir) never diminishes. He does all this to enjoy it rather to compete.

Am I a parent, who is not strict with him for not scoring at the top. Yes, I am strict to an extent and have lost my cool many times in the past.
His words pierced through me when my 11 year old child asked, "Mom, do you not respect me for who am I "?

How many of us thought we should respect children?  We adults demand our respect each and every moment of our life. Why not a child?

Among children preparing for IIT,  MBBS even at a tender age of 11 years ( I feel it's cruel ,akin to killing childhood in pursuit of trophy child competition). My average child is talking about traveling the world, meeting new people ,a reading new books of different genre's, tasting  different cuisines.

My average child might or might not become a doctor, astronaut, scientist But he is sure to grow up to be a good person, who will spread cheer, happiness and positivity.

Last but not least: a message for ONE and ALL
*Notice the average child. All that child wants is a smile or a kind word from us adults for just being their true self ,and to give assurance to trust the world.
Please refrain from making Xerox copies of our own selves.
They are children of future.
For generations to evolve : let us help in maintaining their originality.

Each child is different, so is each parenting Style.



HS BAKSHI said...

Exactly what I told my son the other day. He was stressing himself. Told him don't get discouraged. Less than 10% are genius. More than 20% are below par. Try to remain in the 70% , because that is where majority is !
Beautifully written !

Anonymous said...

Beautiful write up
Loved this Refrain copies..👏👏

Daisy said...

We are similar in so many ways and at the same time, unique in some ways. So it is, for our children. Every child needs to be celebrated. Why this fixation on Marks!

Daisy said...

Excellent write-up.

Sanjana Agarwal said...

Loved it!!!!!!

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