Friday, June 12, 2020

Quarantine Series # 14 days Series# Day 2

Quarantine Series # 14 days Series# Day 2

P. S. This write up is dedicated to all the health care professionals, all persons who are covid positive and symptomatic. Once the symptoms appear and your covid testing confirms the same, the period of treatment and isolation seems like eternity. With this day wise write it is my endeavour to alleviate the pain. This is from the time of covid testing onwards.

After a long-long twenty four hours, yet another day begins. The rising sun beckons new birth and the warm sunshine kindle rays of hope. The ups and downs are akin to waxing and waning of sea waves. The bliss can be broken by some untoward changes in your laboratory parameters leading to hard decisions and change in treatment protocol. Your mobile phone is the “magical access key” to this world of uncertainty from the outer side. For once everyone feels being tied by unseen shackles. Somewhere the thoughts of well being of near and dear ones keep on raising their tiny heads in the conscious mind.

One needs immense mental power to push aside these thoughts and brace the change in treatment schedule with full faith and power. This is the time when your whole being is fighting with these foreign enemies (virus) with full might and valor. Deep down, one must be in control so as to command each cell to fight well and brave the journey. Each cell has complete trust in their master and knows that soon the enemy will be thrown out. It s all a matter of few days before this war will be over and the victorious warrior returns home. Important is to plan this day well so as to avoid any panic or distress.

Kith and kin can form a support group and schedule out their call timings. Brief few seconds happy, cheerful videos can be shared to our warrior. Short motivational messages can be shared. It is always better to share original ones than forward ones. I have learnt that nobody is interested in reading same forwards. Try something original.

Smile is everyone best accessory# always wear it. It is important to fool oneself into thinking “All izz well”. Do whatever makes you strong. This day shall see the dusk soon. The medicine will be working in your body and beating the enemy a hell lot.

Day 2 seems to have passed in a slightly better pace than Day 1.

Constantly remind yourself few things:

1)    Every storm gives rise to a beautiful rainbow.

2)    No night is so long that it will not see a day.

3)    Whatever you want is on the other side of fear.

4)    A stone which is scared of being beaten will never turn out into a beautiful statue.

5)    The land which is afraid of plough will never grow nutrient crops.

6)    This too shall pass.

As the night sets in, it spreads a blanket of hope and trust.

Waiting for an interesting Day 3……..






Daisy said...

Beautifully penned. Looking forward to day 3 when sun rises and shines again.

JPS Deed said...

Very nice and soothing thoughts

Dr.Shweta Mittal said...

YourThoughts nd words have immense power... really this write up can help so many in pain.. waiting for day3💫

DCG said...

All the grief & anxiety is gone....
Let's the day afresh
Beautifully comprehended and articulated in the most simple& easy way

Good morning Didi

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