Saturday, June 13, 2020

Quarantine Series # 14 days Series# Day 3

Quarantine Series # 14 days Series# Day 3

P. S. This write up is dedicated to all the health care professionals, all persons who are covid positive and symptomatic. Once the symptoms appear and your covid testing confirms the same, the period of treatment and isolation seems like eternity. With this day wise write it is my endeavour to alleviate the pain. This is from the time of covid testing onwards.

As the sun dawns on day three, its been almost more than forty eight to 60 hours since one is hit by the unexpected happening which has landed in an ICU. Human mind is an exceptional form of energy whose potential and power has not yet been harnessed.

The rising sun brings an unconditional acceptance in everyone. The shore seems to be in sight although it appears to be hazy with overcast sky. The paradox lies in being certain of reaching the shore with clarity that turbulence will be there which will go away eventually.

One gets used to the hospital routine and monitor beeps sound like music (I know they are not !). The attending nurse (not in white uniform, but in PPE like a space suit) is your friend in times of need and your bedside buzzer your lifeline. Fear not! The land is visible now, focus with full faith and trust in almighty it will be not too long before your ship (yourself) hits the mainland (discharge from hospital).

As one regains inner strength, mind is back to original form. The loved ones judge your progress by assessing your social media activity. These are the times when its heartening to know that your loved one in isolation has fingers on mobile. For once your heart screams out loud that good, more the screen time implies the ship has taken a “U-turn " and is safe from wandering into the unknown in this vast ocean of life. Doctors visit, medicine schedule, meal times take a lot of energy and time. In between, calls from family makes the day complete.The same 24 hours seemed to have passed at a better pace than previous day.

Has the earth rotated at a faster pace than previous day ?? Has the clock ticked faster? Oh God ! night shift staff has arrived so soon.

With these thoughts, you roll up your hospital sheet with a heart full of gratitude. The mind looks forward to the next day with high hope and prayer that Mother Earth rotates at a faster pace. Really ! The darker the night # brighter is the next day.

Remembering words from the famous poem by RN Tagore - where the mind is without fear and the head is held high…………

I am ready to embrace day 4th.


Juju .


Daisy said...

Go on embrace day 4. Sun is out again, all shining in its full glory, filling the air with new energy, vibrancy and above all, hope.

Neetu said...

Really hope makes the heart light and with a light heart, the journey too becomes easy !! A nice write-up !!!

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