Sunday, May 2, 2021

How to overcome Covid Series # Part 2 – Acceptance #Action

How to overcome Covid Series # Part 2 – Acceptance #Action

Second wave of Covid has caught mankind unprepared, yet again. It seems much more fierce than the first one. Mankind has short term memory. The earlier lessons were not even memorized as yet, new revised syllabus surfaced. Those who had rendezvous in the first wave are less scared than those who escaped. This is affecting at mental and emotional level in people with Covid cases in family and friends. The fear of isolation and how to handle oneself is creating a panic situation.

Besides, the guidelines given by government, I have come upon a day to day plan for mental and over all stability. First and foremost, there should be acceptance to the hardcore fact that Covid is here to stay for some time unless we become responsible. The acceptance mode paves way to mind searching for solutions and actions. Every few hours, one gets to hear the news of someone becoming Covid positive, requiring admission in hospital, paucity of hospital beds, etc. These inputs tend to derail the mind. A person should firmly believe, “Covid is a mind game.” As you think, thou shall be the outcome. One needs to reinforce this firmly that, we can beat this disease.

Any patient with fever in current scenario is considered as a Covid suspect. Self isolation is of prime importance. Along with this, four to six hourly monitoring of body temperature, pulse rate and oxygen saturation. Lying in prone position (on tummy), steam inhalation and breathing exercises are important tools in maintaining the well being. Regular consultation with your doctor is must. The vitals chart should be shared at regular intervals. All the medicines which one is already taking , are to be taken along with medicines prescribed for Covid. Baseline lab investigations are mandatory (done in consultation with doctor) which needs to be repeated on day seventh or earlier and later as per the progress.

In case, one’s saturation falls below 95 %, consider it as a warning signal, not a panic signal. Lie in prone position and recheck and consult your doctor immediately. Many a times, the patient panics and starts to hyperventilate which leads to further drop in saturation. Try to maintain a calm composure, have full faith in God and your treating doctors. Dark, stormy sky gives way to most beautiful rainbows. The sunrise is not far away.

The only thing constant in this world is “Change.”

Whatever comes: has to go!

Till then, go slow with a positive mindset, be aware, accept and act.


Take care,


P.S. For those who are already hospitalized, my “Quarantine series” will help you and your family stay afloat. 

1 comment:

Rajesh Vaish said...

Very true, small things if we follow can help a lot. Thanks

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