Wednesday, May 5, 2021

How to overcome Covid series# Part 3 : No news, means good news

"No news, means good news"! These words echoed in my mind when I called up the doctor incharge under whom a close friend was admitted. Doctor,s voice sounded drained when he said," I will let you know if there is any change in the vitals. These days, I get tired of talking. Please understand." 

For me, it was regarding my friend , one Covid patient. For the doctor , he had his hospital stretched to its maximum limits with a Herculean responsibility. Wearing double masks topped with face shield, it is humanly impossible to reach out for ringing mobiles and answer it. Many a times, the calls remain unanswered. One should try not to be judgemental and always have a benefit of doubt. Technology has brought us closer, but also made us impatient and anxious.

Mild cases are recovering with home isolation, vitals monitoring under their doctor,s guidance. It is important to break the fever cycle. Second week is the most challenging and vigilant week. This is the time when moderate cases are switched over to steroids and other medicines for better management. 

Let's pledge to do our part and let your doctor do his part. Have faith, remain patient and get the updates at decided time only. In case of any adverse situation, your mobile will scream. 

If each one identifies one,s own role in controlling this pandemic, mother Earth will recover at the earliest.

Till then, keep a watch on self and near ones. Anyone who has fever, bodyache, running nose or cough etc should be isolated. Self imposed isolation is the need of hour. Chart your vitals ( temperature, oxygen saturation , pulse rate) at regular intervals, be in contact  with your doctor.

The journey seems unending as we are unable to see the shore. The situtation is akin to a camel about to sit on ground  (one never knows which side, the camel will sit- graph rises, attain plateau or declines).

Till then, take care, be alert. Don't panic! Whatever comes, has to go. Help mother Earth in resetting herself.


Juju,s Pearls


Jaynishsethi said...

Beautiful write . Very calm & soothing to read Also heals the mind & soul .

Sanjana Agarwal said...

Loved it!!

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