Sunday, May 8, 2022

Do we really know, the one’s in our lives?

Do we really know, the one’s in our lives?

There is always a part of us which is unknown to the rest. Each one has one’s own secret being, known only to oneself which we never share with anyone. This is the part which no one really comes to know, be it your spouse or children or your parents. Siblings and other relations come in the second tier. Although, it might be miniscule in component, yet the inner deposits keep on accumulating.  Lucky are the ones who find a listening ear or a non-judging soul. Every soul is on own journey and living in own timeline.

The surroundings, the circumstances and opportunities, vary from one person to another. Nobody can equate anyone’s life with anyone. One needs to accept the fact that there is lot more than you think or claim to know. Although, majority of us take pride in claiming to know their loved ones especially their children, we actually never come to know, at least in this lifetime. It is hidden in the person’s heart treasure box and stays with him and goes with him. This shell is seldom broken.

This is a different write up which I am sharing on mother’s Day. As mothers’ we take pride in the fact that we know what is happening in our children’s lives and we feel very accomplished and arrived in this world of motherhood. Reality is different. It’s is important to get the reality check for one’s own evolvement and inner transformation. One should remind oneself that in the moment when a child is born, a mother is born too (same applies for father). There is no school or college which gives a degree of perfect motherhood rather parenthood prior to childbirth. This parenthood is a journey where the teacher is your own child. 

When we go through the day, our orbits of interaction are different, at home level, school level, college, office and elsewhere. How much hard we may try to be friends with our children, there is bound to be a difference. Good parenting helps in bridging the gap easier (there is no term as bad parenting.) To many of us, it might appear to be a strange theory as we feel that we know what is happening in our loved ones lives.

Each soul has arrived on this Mother Earth with a different purpose and path trudged will be different too. We as parents have the role of bringing them into this world. Please remind yourself, “Children come through you, they don’t belong to you. They are children of future.”  This constant reminder will help us understand our children better in a healthy, positive, loving way.

This Mother’s day let’s pledge to give a listening, non judging ear to our children and restrain from giving unwarranted advises. After a certain age, as parents we should become intelligent enough to know when they are in receptive mode. Have faith in your upbringing and wait for the right moment to shower advises.

As parents, it’s time to take a backseat, let your children follow their heart and watch their play in the arena of world. If your child doesn’t share certain things with you, respect his privacy. It’s not that he/ she is trying to hide. Many a times, they are just waiting for the right moment to discuss with their parents.

As Sherlock Holmes repeatedly says, ‘Patience, my dear Watson patience.” Patience is the key.

Happy Mother’s Day!




Neeta Goyal said...

Can't agree more.....being just understanding human beings can definitely make parent-child relationships much more satisfying. Quite an appropriate write-up for Mothers'Day. 🥰🥰

Rajesh Vaish said...

Nicely summarized in 3 golden words: listening, non judging and patience ��

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