Thursday, June 9, 2022

Does truth exists ?

Does truth exists?


Of late, truth has intrigued me. How do we quantify a truth? Does it really exist? If yes, then who defines it?

In ancient times, there were clear demarcations between right / wrong, true/false, ethical/ unethical etc. As mankind evolved, the demarcation line seems to have blurred. The transition zone has been gradually expanding and absorbing from either side. In later half of last century, there have been many movements related to empowerment, liberation and equality which have also contributed.

Everyone has their own sets of truths. Universal truth still holds the highest position. Man is busy in his own pursue of truth so much so that the universal truth is often overlooked. This process starts building up since childhood and goes on throughout life. It’s an ongoing process. A neutral person can help in finding out the truth.

Situations which are being encountered these days are different. A person standing on head end of table will read the letter 6 as 9, whereas the person standing on the foot end of the table will vouch for 6. In this context, both are right. Consider another situation of a person living on south side of equator and other person living on north of equator. The timings, weather, sun rays etc will be completely opposite. Both will speak their truth, only thing is their truth won’t match! 

My thinking cap magically sits on my head as I ponder, is there any concept of right and wrong, true/false? Anything in synchrony with nature and for benefit of mother Earth is right and the truth. It is all about one’s own perspective and willingness to step into other person’s shoes. Life will become much simpler and fun filled, if we attempt to understand the other person’s view point.

Till a certain age, say till one completes education, this should be in black and white. As one explores beyond his own comfort zone and enters forties, there is a sense of liberation and acceptance. Realization dawns upon that everything is right, true and ethical. It’s all a matter of one’s own perspective and willingness to accept other person’s point of view too. If my viewpoint doesn’t match yours, learn to accept my truth too and keep your truth to yourself.

If we transform our vocabulary to true/ more true, right/ more right, ethical/ more ethical, etc, this world will become heaven. And, when the time comes to leave and enter God’s land, I bet God will ask, “So, how was heaven?”




Ashish Patel said...

Very true..!!
Loved the idea that our world will indeed become a heaven if we are able to accept both sides of the story,and let go of our compulsion to divide between right and wrong.!!

Anonymous said...

True. Acceptance of thoughts of other person and stepping in to their shoes.

Anamika Bansal said...

������ very great written
Universal truth always sustains only acceptance and contentment is way to be happy we cannot change anything but my personal thinking bhabi aaj kal jyada acceptance musibat ban jati ha It should be in balance Kahan chup rehna kahan nahi jab sahi chup rehe to mahabharat hoti ha

Anupriya Sharma said...

Very nicely Very nicely written

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