Sunday, February 19, 2023

Reader’s Choice Series # Children are separate units!

Reader’s Choice Series # Children are separate units!

Disclaimer:  Sensitive topic with aim of creating awareness. Any resemblance to any person or situation is purely incidental. Reader’s discretion is respected.

A recent conversation with a young man of thirty years with fifty years of life’s experience sparked this. He is a man of profound wisdom and believes in children being independent units, be it son or daughter. All of us start life as an individual and expand our circle as we grow up. Once married, the journey of separate unit kick starts. This person is truly broad minded as he speaks about children with no gender difference tags.

Let us clearly understand the very essence of human life. Life starts from a single or an individual cell and then it multiplies and takes a form. Once the cord is cut, the new born baby becomes separate/independent. As parents we nurture them, love them and try to give the best environment to grow up as per one’s capabilities. This love is pure and unconditional. However, deep inside as a parent one should always remember, children will move ahead in life.

This is the law of nature. Children do not belong to us. They are children of the future. Parents are via medium for them to start their journey on this blue planet. They are individual or separate units. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a son or a daughter. Both are separate units.

Tree and plants nurture flowers and fruits. Once they are ripe, fruits are plucked and same is for flowers. Have you observed, if one doesn’t pluck the fruits once ripe or flowers in their bloom? They tend to wither even though, they are still firmly attached to their parent plant. The parent plant/tree which nourished the fruit/ flower is unable to continue the same process. Why does this happen?  The answer lies in this law of nature. Every single life on this planet has a purpose. Once that is achieved, life has to leave for higher journey.

The awareness, I want to create is about our children being individual units. We have grown on this thought process of daughters as separate units (In majority of households still they are brought up with this mindset.) A daughter who is married seems like a threat to the same household where she was born and brought up. Why is it so that our trust dwindles? Is it because she becomes a separate unit or is it about the man she is married to? On the contrary, one tends to consider son as a common unit or maybe an extension. His wife seems less threatening.

We need to stop and rethink- Do we need women empowerment or it’s the other way round. Women are already an empowered species. The need of hour is educating men on how to handle their powerful counter parts. Male and female are two sides of the same coin created by God. They can never be compared. Both are unique with individuality of their own.

Let’s stop competing and start contributing. Embrace life with open arms and cherish it while the heart is beating and breath is moving.




Unknown said...

Keep are actually changing lives.....

Anonymous said...

Thought provoking posts. Love reading

Dr.Shweta Mittal said...

You are eloquent... You really have a way wth words๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

Anonymous said...

Yes! Realizing this is going to help so many people
And maybe down size the horrifying divorce rate , if we
Choose to let go of our sons too ๐Ÿ™

Rajesh Vaish said...

I completely agree with you for the first half that we should treat children as independent units and treat both male and female child equally.

But then why a sudden twist that "MAN" is responsible for every wrath ??
Sorry to say but the statement is not justified in my opinion.

The fact and main reason for injustice towards female is feeling of insecurity of one female to another.

Women empowerment starts with positive thinking and its implementation in real meaning.

Juju's Pearls said...

Thanks for your feedback. I have edited and written in neutral tone.

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