Cheers! Welcome to the season of festivals.
Sharing a recent incidence which brought out my thinking
cap from the closet. I was invited for
an Expert talk at a reputed college. I had to address around 150 girls all
pursuing their Bachelors in Science.
My topic was Unlocking Potential: Fostering Women’s
Empowerment and well-being for a Balance Tomorrow. It was a great interactive
session with enthusiastic participation from the girls.
While walking back to the Dean’s office, Dean asked, “Where
do you live mam?” I answered promptly, “With my in laws in their house.”
He smiled and reverted, “So, your in-laws stay with you?”
I clarified, “No Sir! I stay in my in-law’s house.”
He smiled and said, “It’s one and the same madam. Your in-laws
are staying with you or you are staying with them.”
I smiled and repeated my earlier statement , “Sir, its’s not the
same. This is one of the main reasons for disharmony in many households. Give
it a thought. I am very clear in what I think and what I say.”
Suddenly, his face lit up and he replied, “Never thought
of this way. We will like to have you more often in our university.”
I nodded in affirmation. While riding back home, a
thought came as to where was my place? Did I actually belong here? It’s either
in-laws house or husband’s house? I couldn’t see myself in this whole
picture of two decades of my life, my entire youth. The only place I could call mine was my
parental place where I was born and brought up. With changing times, this
feeling too seemed to be fading away.
I snapped my fingers, pinched myself, to give a reality
check. We all are temporary on this planet Earth. We do not belong here for
eternity. So, why to get into this vicious cycle of my house, my place, my …
etc etc. I looked up to the vast sky, could feel my Momsie’s blessings. Peace prevailed.
Leaving with a food for thought –
“In this temporary life, why does one’s heart yearn for a permanent
place to stay?”
So true, but people understood this one eternal truth, there would be no borders, and no wars.
Sense of belonging gives a feeling of security, which is so essential.
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