Friday, June 25, 2021

I am the best version of myself

A friend came to see me at my workplace. I was in awe of her answer,  when I asked her, if she wanted medical evaluation,  " I have come to freshen up my mind " was her prompt reply.

Welcome aboard my workplace where worries vanish into thin air over a hot cuppa of tea. 

" Empty nest syndrome" is an entity known to many of us who are in their fearless forties.  I have realized that a mother weaves her own life around her family and it's not too late before she starts searching for her own orignal true self.  As children grow up, time comes to leave the nest. The women, the mother in her, starts to feel the emptiness set in. Many of us, start to doubt about our own worth.

This time is most crucial as negative thoughts rein over the positive ones. Just as we harness the waters to generate hydroelectricity, similarly our thoughts must be channelized to give power to our constructive positive thoughts. 

Always remember that we came into this world alone. Gradually many people associated with us, in this journey of life as our inner circle or outer circle

In mid twenties or early thirties , appropriate time comes for marriage and then children (for majority of us). The  journey unfolds at its own pace. As the the grains of sand pass through the hour glass , there comes a time when, people in our lives gradually bid goodbye and leave us. If one is lucky enough, the companionship lasts for decades. Sooner or later,either one has to leave the mortal coil. Once again, we are left all by our ownself.

One should have this thought embedded that one,s  entry and exit in this world is alone. God never sends us in pairs ( please ignore twins and triplets). In the journey of life, one should not get too much attached to anyone or anybody.  Keep on practicing the theory of detachment. This will help us in leading a fulfilled life. Never ever question yourself , " Am I good enough?"

Please remember, we all are very much good enough.  Keep yourself in the centre and witness how the life changes once the focus shifts from external to internal self. The entire world changes . Keep the remote of your life in your hands securely. 

Be focussed in being the best version of yourself. 

Stop ! Pause ! Breathe ! and start thinking I am the best.



Sunday, May 9, 2021

How to overcome Covid Series# Part 4: “We are trying our best”

Dedicated to my dear sister Dr. Diptimala, who is an Intensivist and critical care expert # Covid warrior # our hero

How to overcome Covid Series# Part 4: “We are trying our best”


The most dreaded words which send shivers down the spine are “We are trying our best!” When your doctor utters these five words, the whole world seems to crumble and brain starts to fog.

A routine moment becomes a moment of uncertainty. Your mind is flooded with thoughts and confusion. These words can change to “We are hopeful now” to “let’s pray for your patient’s health” to “hospital stay might be prolonged” etc. These statements change just like weather. Please understand your doctor is conveying the current moment status. Be non judgemental and just keep your faith and stay strong. At times, there can be lot of variation. Covid is an altogether out of the world kind of disease man has ever encountered. 

Medicine community is working hard day and night to understand it’s course which it changes rapidly. Treatment protocols are changing very fast, medicines used earlier are now under scanner. The base of treatment rests on anti-inflammatory and blood thinners in coherence with strict monitoring of pulse, oxygen saturation and temperature with Covid profile lab tests.

Please follow these protocols diligently and with sincerity. Doctors have so many patients to look after that many a times the Specialist doctor gets to visit the patient only once a day. What keeps him on track is the patient’s vital monitoring and lab results. No red flags means good news and recovery is round the corner. Rising trends of certain markers means the shore is far.

For people who are lucky, please do breathing or breath holding exercises, eat a balanced diet, exercise daily and adhere to Covid guidelines. Doctors and para medical staff are working beyond their capacities to tackle this situation. Besides, being stressed out mentally and physically, they feel emotionally drained. The feeling of helplessness is so detrimental.

Let’s each one becomes responsible in fighting this war.

Pray all of us enter 2022 together.



Wednesday, May 5, 2021

How to overcome Covid series# Part 3 : No news, means good news

"No news, means good news"! These words echoed in my mind when I called up the doctor incharge under whom a close friend was admitted. Doctor,s voice sounded drained when he said," I will let you know if there is any change in the vitals. These days, I get tired of talking. Please understand." 

For me, it was regarding my friend , one Covid patient. For the doctor , he had his hospital stretched to its maximum limits with a Herculean responsibility. Wearing double masks topped with face shield, it is humanly impossible to reach out for ringing mobiles and answer it. Many a times, the calls remain unanswered. One should try not to be judgemental and always have a benefit of doubt. Technology has brought us closer, but also made us impatient and anxious.

Mild cases are recovering with home isolation, vitals monitoring under their doctor,s guidance. It is important to break the fever cycle. Second week is the most challenging and vigilant week. This is the time when moderate cases are switched over to steroids and other medicines for better management. 

Let's pledge to do our part and let your doctor do his part. Have faith, remain patient and get the updates at decided time only. In case of any adverse situation, your mobile will scream. 

If each one identifies one,s own role in controlling this pandemic, mother Earth will recover at the earliest.

Till then, keep a watch on self and near ones. Anyone who has fever, bodyache, running nose or cough etc should be isolated. Self imposed isolation is the need of hour. Chart your vitals ( temperature, oxygen saturation , pulse rate) at regular intervals, be in contact  with your doctor.

The journey seems unending as we are unable to see the shore. The situtation is akin to a camel about to sit on ground  (one never knows which side, the camel will sit- graph rises, attain plateau or declines).

Till then, take care, be alert. Don't panic! Whatever comes, has to go. Help mother Earth in resetting herself.


Juju,s Pearls

Sunday, May 2, 2021

How to overcome Covid Series # Part 2 – Acceptance #Action

How to overcome Covid Series # Part 2 – Acceptance #Action

Second wave of Covid has caught mankind unprepared, yet again. It seems much more fierce than the first one. Mankind has short term memory. The earlier lessons were not even memorized as yet, new revised syllabus surfaced. Those who had rendezvous in the first wave are less scared than those who escaped. This is affecting at mental and emotional level in people with Covid cases in family and friends. The fear of isolation and how to handle oneself is creating a panic situation.

Besides, the guidelines given by government, I have come upon a day to day plan for mental and over all stability. First and foremost, there should be acceptance to the hardcore fact that Covid is here to stay for some time unless we become responsible. The acceptance mode paves way to mind searching for solutions and actions. Every few hours, one gets to hear the news of someone becoming Covid positive, requiring admission in hospital, paucity of hospital beds, etc. These inputs tend to derail the mind. A person should firmly believe, “Covid is a mind game.” As you think, thou shall be the outcome. One needs to reinforce this firmly that, we can beat this disease.

Any patient with fever in current scenario is considered as a Covid suspect. Self isolation is of prime importance. Along with this, four to six hourly monitoring of body temperature, pulse rate and oxygen saturation. Lying in prone position (on tummy), steam inhalation and breathing exercises are important tools in maintaining the well being. Regular consultation with your doctor is must. The vitals chart should be shared at regular intervals. All the medicines which one is already taking , are to be taken along with medicines prescribed for Covid. Baseline lab investigations are mandatory (done in consultation with doctor) which needs to be repeated on day seventh or earlier and later as per the progress.

In case, one’s saturation falls below 95 %, consider it as a warning signal, not a panic signal. Lie in prone position and recheck and consult your doctor immediately. Many a times, the patient panics and starts to hyperventilate which leads to further drop in saturation. Try to maintain a calm composure, have full faith in God and your treating doctors. Dark, stormy sky gives way to most beautiful rainbows. The sunrise is not far away.

The only thing constant in this world is “Change.”

Whatever comes: has to go!

Till then, go slow with a positive mindset, be aware, accept and act.


Take care,


P.S. For those who are already hospitalized, my “Quarantine series” will help you and your family stay afloat. 

Friday, April 30, 2021

How to overcome Covid Series # Part 1 – Train your mind # mental game

How to overcome Covid Series # Part 1 – Train your mind # mental game

Covid ! this word has become a household word since last seventeen months. This word holds different meaning to different people of varied mindsets. For some, rather many, it’s still a bubble which has been created for political and economic benefits. Reality is harder than dreams. There should be absolute no denial about this disease.

If we go through the pages of history, every human being has witnessed one or the other kind of such pandemics, be it in form of wars, economy, religious or diseases. Our grandparents have witnessed World War II, partition of India. Generation of our parents age group have been witnesses to Korean wars, Vietnam wars, India's wars with her  neighboring countries,etc. People of twenty first century are witnessing Covid.

If one wants to defeat its opponent, one needs to accept it. First and foremost one should accept that this pandemic is out there hitting everyone. The precaution guidelines as devised by respective government are to be followed in full spirits. Now is the time to stay alive and gently stay afloat. Along with prescribed guidelines, there are other spheres which need to be taken care of. Covid is no longer the disease which affects respiratory system, it is a multi-systemic disease. Mental power and will power play a key role. The very thought of isolation stimulates our nervous system so much so that one starts to speculate this as a prison state. Infact one should not be a prisoner to one’s own thoughts. The greatest prison is being entrapped in one’s own mind.

Corona has changed our behavior and culture in several unique ways. Self care has become true care. Having visitors over home has become a strict "No -No" , leading to boost of video calls and chats. Schools have squeezed into laptops or mobiles. From off line mode, everyone is in online mode.

Normally, few years/decades are required to adapt to such changes. However, due to genetic instability of the virus, changes have been enforced over few months. This has led to mental weakening in many of us. The challenge is to adapt with full stability and mental power.

Pandemic advisory guidelines are there for each country which are similar more or less. The base of this pyramid comprises of masking, physical/social distancing and sanitization. Vaccination drive is being carried on with full force.

The second wave has hit harder than before and involves a wider age group. One tends to hear disturbing news which leads to mental and emotional instability. There is a feeling of helplessness and guilt as one is not able to travel to be with their loved ones or take care of them. This leads to energy depletion, which makes us vulnerable.

Now is the time to have faith and befriend God. Read and share only positive news, encourage your kith and kin to make motivational videos about how they overcame this disease. Regular exercise, balanced diet, meditation, adequate sleep, rest and being in a conscious happy state are few keys to mental power. The paradox is everyone knows this, these are no new teachings! Humans are in a great hurry to win over Corona.

Our opponent is mightier and stronger than anyone could ever think of.

Let’s pledge to make our behavior more responsible and instead of criticizing and spreading negative news, one should spread positive, healing news. Don’t become a part of panic creating system rather, become a soother, healer.

Ask yourself just one question, “How can I contribute?” Please remember the parallel world’s population is steadily increasing. A correct step in the right direction can only save us. Amen!

Impose self isolation# Limit your movement to minimum # follow Covid protocol.

Be mentally strong as we have to witness the new sun of 2022 together.



P.S. For those who are hospitalized, my “Quarantine series” will be like a soothing balm for yourself and your kith and kin.



Sunday, April 18, 2021

Short story by Juju's Pearls : “ Must have been love !”

“ Must have been love !”

In one corner of a country, a boy was born after three girls in an affluent family. It was festive like feel in the entire village. Month long celebrations went on and literally none of the household in the entire village cooked any meals for a month.

This blue eyed boy, Jared was everyone favorite. He was brought up with lot of love and pampering by his parents and sisters. He was not used to the word “No” being said to him as everything was in affirmative as far as he was concerned.

Years rolled by and time came to leave the nest. He was an average student in academics but excelled in sports. This helped him secure a admission in country ‘s reputed college. It was the first day in college. Jared’s heart skipped a beat and he experienced butterflies in his stomach when he saw a beautiful girl with long hair, holding books in her hands crossed against her chest, come towards him. She seemed like a fresher just like him. She asked him very politely, “Please help me in finding the lecture hall for first year.” Jared could not control his excitement. Trying to keep his calm and compose, he just guided her in the wrong direction. 

Later in the lecture hall, his eyes kept searching for the girl. After lunch break, he saw the girl in the hall with red, swollen eyes. He mustered courage and walked up to her. Immediately, she looked up and spoke, “Please let me know the real reason why you misguided me? I entered final year lecture hall and was ragged. You have hurt me a lot. I missed my first two lectures because of you.” She sounded sad and left without a word.

Jared felt deeply hurt. The girl who had stirred some different feelings in him was angry with him. He befriended her best friend with aim of getting to know her and to apologize. He came to know Jass came from an educated family and was a topper in her state. Jass was very clear in her goal in life. Jared sent her sorry notes,  flowers and chocolates. Jass was oblivious of Jared’s feelings towards him. So, she assumed them to be for her friend Lim, as she had seen Jared and Lim together few times in cafeteria. The flowers and cakes kept coming on regular basis. Both Jass and Lim thought, it was for the other one. Finally, one day, both decided to talk about it openly. Jass told Lim, “Jared was not as good as he looked. She felt he was stalking her too inspite of being committed to Lim.” Hearing this, Lim bursts out into laughter in disbelief and spoke, “Jass, how could you ever think like this ? Right from day one in college, ever since Jared saw you, he knew you were the one. “ She continued, “ Jared was just seeking my help in delivery of flowers and chocolates. Now I see why you never touched them, Hope you must have read his sorry notes which were addressed to you?”

At this point, Jass was in tears and she hurriedly went inside the room to search for sorry notes. All the sorry noted were addressed to her. Almost, like a flash of lightening, everything became clear to her. All this while, Jared had his eyes only for her. She misunderstood him as she had seen him with Lim few times sipping coffee together. Deep inside, she had liked him a lot and was jealous of Lim.

 Lim arranged a date for both of them. When they met, only their eyes made contact and all the vows were exchanged. They both realized, how true love actually felt like.      



Short Story by Juju's Pearls : First love # Born to travel

First love # Born to travel

The trance of a hot summer evening was broken by cry of a new born. Many years ago, somewhere in a government hospital in maternity ward, a lady gave birth to a beautiful child, fair as ice and smile like Buddha. The day she was born, her mother had noticed a wheel like configuration on her right sole. She had remarked, “My daughter is born to travel far and wide, travel will be her first love."

This little girl was named Trivia. She was a beautiful, cheerful happy child. During her early childhood years, she would spend time exploring every nook and corner of her house and the play area. The sight of birds, animals and plants stimulated her and she always yearned to go out of house. She excelled in school in academics as well as extra-curricular activities. Her favorite hobby was organizing school picnics and trips. Her parent’s life mantra was to travel to different places. Exploring new places, meeting new people and witnessing different cultures were the most invaluable lessons in any child’s life.

Trivia had a habit of writing all details of her travel in her personal diary. By the time she became a major, her diary was beaming with many itineraries. She was all set to explore the world on her own. She joined a reputed flying school, became the ever first lady pilot from her state. Her passion for travel earned her high flying mileage scores in a short duration of time. This led to shift of her department from flying to non flying area, ground staff. Her heart beckoned her, she took early retirement and set up her own travel consultancy by name of Trivia Travels. She is busy helping people realize their love for travel.

Friday, March 26, 2021


New year , January , february months - exam time , that time of the year when the school session is coming towrads the end and there is excitement to eneter a new class. Both mother and child are equally excited. New grade, new books , new tiffin box and water bottle. The happiness level is maximum and at times, the mother misses out on things she loves. That,s right, I took a sabbatical from my blog as I was busy in publishing my first book, MOMSIE POPSIE DAIRY- Tea time chit chat over tea.

This book maintained rank #2 on Amazon Hot new sellers for more than sixty days and has touched lives of many souls. The journey is still going on.

I have started writing short stories to keep my blog activity.

Soon, I will be taking another sabbatical when I will write my another book.

Till then, take care. Keep loving, keep reading , keep sharing .




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Short story by Juju,s Pearls # Frozen

Time seemed to stand frozen for residents of a small village, Maana. It was at the highest altitude where human life was medically possible to survive. Due to heavy snowfall for almost six months, the residents had to shift base to plains approximately fifty kilometers downhill. For them, it was a routine year after year. There was loss of human life as well as of animals. The scenic beauty was divine, which attracted tourists for the six months when it was summers. Main source of income was from tourists. Over the years, residents converted their homes into home stay and rented out rooms or houses for tourists.  

A young couple- Shaun and Lea from Athens, Greece came to celebrate their first anniversary. Lea was seven months pregnant. They had rented home stay of the local villager, Lhasa for a month. Shaun, the husband wanted their unborn daughter to be a mountaineer and thought this would be the best way he could connect to mothernature. Post dinner, Shaun and Lea were sitting in the patio enjoying hot coffee. Their trance was shattered by impatient call form Lhasa. He was urging them to go to their rooms as there was forecast of bad weather with rain and thunderstorm. Lea got up to go to their room, Shaun requested her to stay for a while as it was a starry night. They sat with eyes locked in gaze. Neither of them realized when the sky became overcast and black. They did not see Lhasa coming towards them and shouting to move inside as wrath of God was inevitable. Suddenly, there was cloudburst and gush of water pulled Shaun along. Lea was saved by Lhasa by a fraction of moment. All their screams were drowned in the thunderstorm. That night was like scene straight from Hollywood film.

Lea was shocked and lost her memory. Shaun was not untraceable as were other tourists and villagers. Lhasa started taking care of Lea as his own daughter. Lea lost her voice due to shock. After few days, a beautiful daughter was born. Lhasa named her Shea in memory of Shaun. The most cherished moment of Lea,s life passed like a routine moment due to her mental state. She refused to pick Shea or attend to her. Lhasa was left with no choice, other than bring up Shea. Shea was a gifted child. She was quick to learn about the village life style and adapted well with Lhasa. There were no schools in the village. Lhasa shifted to plains so as to give Shea the best possible education. Gradually, his health started deteriorating. He had kept no secrets from Shea. All this while Shea knew Lea was her biological mother and Lhasa was her caretaker.   

Just before Lhasa breathed his last breath, he handed over a metallic box to Shea. It contained few pictures and boarding passes of her parents. Shea made a resolve to search for her lost identity. The boarding passes bore signs of poor kept and had faded in most of the parts except for passenger name, flight number and date of travel. A lot had changed over two decades in IT sector and technology. With the help of her friend in Embassy, a search was started to trace the list of tourist washed away in village Maana two decades ago. One clue gave lead to another and so on. Shea,s search brought her to a mental asylum in city where she found a patient registered under name Shaun. Keeping her fingers crossed, she gathered courage to face this patient.

Her feet felt heavy as she consciously lifted her foot one a time and inched towards the cell. The guard unlocked the heavy lock and the iron gate opened with a squeaky noise. In front of her eyes, a frail figure was lying on the bed with back towards the gate. The guard called out, “Hey, Shaun! Somebody has finally come looking for you .” Shaun turned very slowly as if this little act consumed a lot of energy. He looked beyond Shea and uttered, “Lea, where are you? I can feel you but cannot see you, Lea, Lea?” And he collapsed on the floor, and Shea caught him just in time before he hit the floor. Her eyes were in disbelief as tears rolled down her eyes. This frail figure was her father who was frozen in time just like her mother.

After completing the formalities, she took her father along with her. With care and medical treatment, Shaun regained health. But his eyes were always searching for Lea. He too had lost his memory due to shock. He remembered only two things Lea and their unborn daughter. Shea had mixed feelings. The joy of finding her father diffused because of his inability to recognize her. She considered herself the most unlucky child who was blessed with both living parents, but they had memory loss.

The idea of reuniting her father with her mother was exciting as well as filled with fears. With the help of doctors she knew she had to do this part.  She planned the meeting to be in village Maana in the same home stay. With the help of her friend, she recreated the same night of horror. This was the best effort she could do to get her parents out of shock.

With great care and patience, she brought her father. Her friend was already waiting with her mother. Shaun and Lea looked frail with expressionless face. In the patio, two chairs were kept and an artificial starry night was created. Two mugs of coffee were kept on side table. With lot of resistance and hesitation, Shea and her friend guided them towards the chairs. Shaun and Lea sat on their respective chairs. Spontaneously, they reached out for coffee and their hands brushed against one another. There seems to be an electrifying effect in the atmosphere. Both started looking at each other with great curiosity. Suddenly, there was a roaring sound of thunderstorm and rain (as pre-planned by Shea and her friend).  

At that very moment, their trance was broken as if the evil spell has been weaned off. Lea was screaming out Shaun,s name. Shaun was shouting, “Hold on Lea, hold on.” Lea,s hand went on her stomach and she started crying uncontrollably. She let out a cry of pain and agony of losing their child. Shaun bent and kissed her belly, “Baby, we are sorry , we could not save you . It was your dad,s idea to come to this place and look what has he done?”. Lea lifted up Shaun and put her head against his heaving chest. Both were breathing shakily. They sat together, holding hands and cried through the night. Shea was a silent spectator who witnessed her parents mourning her death.

Her friend patted her back and told her to catch on some sleep. The thunderstorm which had sent her parents into shock twenty years ago, had managed to hit her in the same way. Next morning, Shaun and Lea behaved like newly married couple who had just lost their child, came to Shea and requested for the bill of home stay. They were planning to return to Athens after this mishap. Twenty years had vanished from their lives. They felt some awkwardness in the atmosphere when they enquired about Lhasa. They feared Shea and her friend had done something wrong with Lhasa as it was Lhasa who had cautioned them regarding the weather forecast the previous night (really! It was way back twenty years ago). Lea insisted on calling the cops when she saw her portrait  with Lhasa and a small girl. Few other photo frames were there and the little growing girl in frames looked like Shea. Shaun was confused as well. They walked towards the patio and were taken aback by the sight. Where once mighty mountains stood, the whole area was cramped with Holiday resorts. There were sounds of machines making all sorts of noises. On their way back inside, they saw their reflection in the glass. The young skin had given way to fine lines and wrinkles. Lea looked at her dry cracked skin. She felt her face and ran her hands over her head only to feel thin hair. Once, it boasted of heavy crop of shiny hair which had made Shaun fall in love with her.

They walked to Shea with questioning glances seeking answers to all that had happened in one night.

Shea is still trying to convince her parents that she is their daughter and that they had come out of hibernation after twenty years. With persistence, love, patience and medical help, Shea is hoping for the much awaited rainbow in her life. 

Friday, October 9, 2020

" Born to rule"

Short story by Juju’s Pearls

There is thunderstorm, lightening is playing hide and seek with dark grey clouds loaded with rain waiting for a fierce outpour. The winds are blowing crazily to sweep away the heavy clouds. In the middle of a remote village, a tiny lamp is swaying and trying it’s best to keep the flame burning. A young lady, Regina is in labor pain, about to deliver. The local village doctor is trying his best to do the procedure in the hut. There is water everywhere and winds are lashing at high speeds. It seems like a near impossible task. “Where there is a will, there is a way” is a famous saying. Praying to almighty, all three of them pledge for a positive outcome. The doctor and her husband, Richard helps her in pushing. She is nearing exhaustion and almost on the verge of giving up, when her husband gently presses her hand and says, ‘Dear, just one more effort.” The lady closes her eyes and cries out loudly into the wild dark night. Suddenly, there is cry of a baby. Finally, the mission has been accomplished and a baby girl takes birth in the small hut on that dark rainy stormy night in a remote village.

Next morning is bright and sunny. Many of the huts have been blown away by the storm, people are stranded, their cattle have gone missing and everywhere, there is hue and cry. Regina’s husband takes a decision to shift to his uncle’s house in city. He packs up whatever little things they have and set off in their bullock cart towards village. Near the river, the get down to refill their drinking water. As Regina alights from the cart, she hears a whispering sound. It seems as though someone is chanting something. She picks up her daughter and goes in the direction from where sound is coming. Gradually, the chanting becomes louder. She reaches a big tree underneath which a hermit is sitting chanting religious excerpts from books. As he senses her approaching, the hermit opens his eyes wide and commands her to stop in her path. He gets up from his meditation position and walks towards her. He touches her daughter feet and starts crying aloud. Regina is confused and in a state of shock. She asks the reason for such behavior. The hermit calms down and remarks,” All this while, we have been waiting for this pious soul to take birth in human form. She will lead and make this planet a harmonious place to live.”

Regina shrugs and replies, ‘Then why are you crying, oh learned sage?”

Hermit replies, ‘ Because, I won’t be alive till then, to witness this grand moment which will lead to transformation of mankind and will go in history as one of the most memorable era.” With this, the hermit leaves and starts walking towards north east direction.

Richard returns with water to his cart. On finding his cart empty, he starts screaming aloud, walks towards the forest. There he sees his wife walking towards him with their daughter in her arms. The radiance is around his daughter’s head. Their daughter is smiling. Regina shares the prophecy of the hermit and describes her meeting as an exceptional moment. Shrugging his shoulders, Richard takes his daughter and walks towards the cart to continue their onward journey. After two days, they reach his uncle’s house. They promise to keep this prophecy as a secret.

Years pass by, Richard’s hard work and motivation helps in getting a good job. Soon, he starts his own workshop. Life is comfortable and the prophecy is deep buried their minds. Their daughter, Rachael is a bright child who is happy and joyful. She is hard working and has a sharp intelligent quotient. Her warm and caring nature makes her win hearts. She always plays around with everyone. Her understanding of body language of birds and animals leaves everyone dumbstruck. The flying birds rest on her shoulder in a carefree way. The pet animals seem to understand her language. Rachel is everyone’s favorite. 

Once, while returning from school, she witnesses a bad road traffic accident. Lot of people gather but none is willing to help the injured people. She rushes to the site and offers help. After lot of motivation, few people come forward to help the injured and take them to hospital for treatment. Her timely intervention leads to saving of lives of injured people. After this incident, Rachael withdraws into her shell. Something inside her transforms. She decides to search the reason for this lack of empathy amongst human beings towards their fellow beings.

Seeing their daughter change in behavior, Regina reminds Richard of the prophecy. The more they try to dissuade their daughter, the more firm she becomes in her resolve. Finally, she decides to leave the house in search of empathy. Her parents are heartbroken as their only child had renounced the world. However, accepting it as a will of God they promise to support her in every possible way. Somehow, they persuade her to stay with them till she finds her new path.

Rachael goes into a silence retreat and starts meditating. She had learnt from her teachers that “All that you seek outside is within us. God has created a masterpiece by the name of human being.” After days of meditating , Rachael attains enlightment. Her aura is so divine that it radiates in all directions. Regina sees an unusual bright light emanating from Rachael’s room. She calls her husband Richard. Together, they move quietly towards their daughter’s room. The door is wide open. Rachael is sitting cross legged in meditative posture and a bright aura is radiating around her head. Suddenly, the hermit’s prophecy flashes in Regina’s mind. Her daughter had attained the supreme level of spirituality. Rachael opens her eyes and smiles on seeing her parents. Her parents bow their heads in front of her. The image they see now of Rachael is no longer of their daughter but that of a learned hermit.

Rachael sets out on her new path of compassion and empathy. Gradually, her followers increase in numbers. After few years she becomes a world renounced spiritual leader with her centers in almost every nook and corner of the world. Her parent’s efforts to give her a normal childhood could not stop her from becoming what was written in her destiny. Her parents move back to their old remote village. Rachael’s organization adopts the village and brings about reforms and changes in terms of building concrete roads, giving good connectivity to city, hospital with world class infrastructure, a school and college etc. 

Every year, Rachael returns to her village on her birthday to be with her parents. Regina can see the hermit’s smiling face in the sky giving blessings to her daughter.


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Fertilized eggs- The future of human race

 Short story by Juju's Pearls

I love myself !thought Adriane. She was her own favorite and always fantasized about having her own replicas. What a beautiful world it will be? With so many fun loving Adriane’s in this universe, what a wonderful this blue planet will be! With these thoughts in her mind, she rushed out of shower. Quickly blow dried her hair, grabbed the first T-shirt and rushed downstairs juggling with her jeans and missed the last step and boom and thud! She fell flat of the ground. Her younger brother, an ace baseball player threw a cushion from the living room sofa, Adriane’s face safely landed on the cushion and she was saved by few centimeters. Their mother came running out of the kitchen and sighed, “Adriane dear, I know yet another idea has come into your mind and you are in extreme hurry to reach your laboratory. Please try to reach in one piece as an idea without a head is of no use.” Her brother giggled. She made a crossed face and went upstairs to change her dress. Inwardly, she was working on her idea of time capsule and she was just close to finish it.

After half an hour, she walked downstairs with her head held high and an air of perfection. She sat on the breakfast table. Her favorite fruit juice and scrambled eggs were in front of her in her plate. As soon as her eyes saw eggs, immediately her face lit up and she knew the day was not very far when she would release her time capsule. She gulped the juice and packed her breakfast. Kissing her mother on forehead, she picked up her car keys and was on her way to laboratory. Her cell phone rang. She was so busy in her mind that no other sound was audible to her. As she parked her car in the parking, she picked up her phone to see at least ten missed calls from her professor.

She rushed and went straight to his chamber. Dr. Kohler saw her through his monocle, forehead full of creases. Obviously, he seemed worried. Drumming his fingers on his table, he paused, inhaled and exhaled. After exactly sixty seconds, which seemed liked eternity, He opened his mouth, “So, Dr. Adriane, where do we stand right now? We are almost in the last phase of our trial. What do you think we should put in time capsule? There is immense pressure from the government and we are on the verge of running out of funds. We have to release this time capsule within next eight weeks.”

It was Adriane’s turn to create a more tensed atmosphere. She took her time and slowly smiled,” Professor, I know what we need to put in the time capsule.”

Professor replies “Let me hear you out my dear doctor.”

Adriane smiled and said, ‘Dr. Kohler, we will put fertilized human eggs from people in different fields. The whole idea is to have the best lot of humans in future.”

Dr. Kohler removed his monocle and looked up, “Now, what is your criterion of best human eggs?”

Adriane replies, “I have a full work up plan for the same. Let’s first get assurance from the government. After that, we will pick up at least five best persons in terms of health, intelligence, looks etc ,from each field of work and call them for assessment. After short listing, we will run the data in our software. The computer will make permutation and combination. By this we will have a list of best eggs and sperms of human race. The major question which will arise is the consent part. I have created a presentation, which will focus on the benefits of this whole procedure. Initially, we will keep hundred fertilized eggs in different stages of development in one time capsule. I have another plan. We need to build a bigger time capsule, which can accommodate fifteen to twenty human from different spheres of work. The smaller time capsule will be created first followed by larger capsule.”

There is pin drop silence as both look at each other. They exchange glances. Adriane’s worst fears seem to come true. She was afraid that Professor will reject her idea out rightly. Adriane slowly takes her laptop and gets up.

As she reaches for the doorknob,

Professor Remarks, “So, Doctor who are you planning to call upon first?"

With tears in her eyes and expression of disbelief, she cries aloud, “Do you believe in me?”

“Cent percent” comes the reply from Dr. Kohler, he continues,” The real challenge is how to convince the Governor and then people. And, how soon you can start?”

“Sir, we can start immediately and I promise you that we will do it successfully as long as we work as a team,” replies Adriane.

With a sense of accomplishment, she goes to café. The scrambled eggs have started giving out a fishy odor and find themselves in waste bin. Adriane picks up a cup of black coffee and starts working on her presentation. After working nonstop for many hours, she makes a convincing presentation.

Meanwhile Dr. Kohler fixes up an appointment with the Governor. Finally the day comes when their team’s hard work of decade will be presented for Government’s approval. Keeping fingers crossed, Adriane starts off it a motivating manner and manages to capture the attention of everyone throughout. After concluding, the house is made open for question and answers. There are no questions; everyone seems to be in a state of stupor. Dr. Kohler clears his throat loudly to break the silence. The Governor comes to his senses and remarks, “Dr. Kohler, how soon can you start with the selection procedure? This seems to be noble cause as far as human race is concerned. Darwin’s theory is “ Survival of the fittest “ yet another theory says, only the species which adapt to change will survive. Your time capsule will prove both. ‘

He further elaborates, ‘Please, send a quote of how much more funds does your laboratory needs? I will get it sanctioned at the earliest.”

The gathering disperses. There is a feeling of celebration in the lab.

Dr. Kohler invites Adriane next morning and asks, “So doctor whose eggs will be first on the list?”

Adriane smiles and replies in affirmative, “Obviously mine Sir!”

With this, she barges out of the office with a sense of pride in her heart and a smile that finally in her dream project, a part of her will travel as the first passenger.

Giant birds in Blue skies

My Airbus soared up in the blue skies leaving clouds far below. At 41010 feet above ground level, I felt I was in God's land . A safe an...