Monday, September 16, 2019

Today,s lesson

Dear Diary,
The lesson I learnt today is to practice mind control : tongue control in nutshell self control. Silence gives immense strength. It needs lot of will power and determination to keep quiet when all you want to do is shout. I have seen of late : majority of our life,s problem ( so called ) die a natural death without affecting us. Controlling your thoughts and words is the only Mantra
Let's practise
Self control.


Unknown said...

Very true
Beautifully penned

Dr Neelesh Bansal said...

Control mind ? A million dollar question . Is it so easy. What amount of effort and practice does it take. There are millions of thoughts crossing in mind every day . How to stick to right ones or how do right thoughts come up is the key to happy life.

Unknown said...

Just wow... Beautiful write up 👌👌👌👍👍👍

Neetu said...

Exactly Didi. Silence is a storehouse of strength.

Unknown said...

Beautiful write up

DrJoy Shah said...

Very meaningful blog Reemanshu. It conveys very deep message and it explains facts of life. Keep it up !!

Navneet said...

Hi Reemanshu, I have enjoyed reading your thoughtful posts.
I agree that silence is more powerful than words. The meaning of the words is also in the silence between the words !!
Keep up the awesome writing !!

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